Telling Family and Friends

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Niamh's POV
I woke up with Jessie in my arms. Last night was the best. I can't believe she said yes. About 5 minutes passed, and I could feel Jessie moving.
Niamh-Morning baby.
I kiss her, and she wakes up a bit more.
Jessie-Morning baby.
Niamh-We have training today.
Jessie-Ugh, i'm tired!!
Niamh-So am I.
Jessie-Can we cuddle for 5 minutes?
I check the time and see it's half six. Jesus.
Niamh-We can cuddle for longer it's 6:30.
I kiss her and then fall back asleep.

*2 hours and 15 minutes later*
I wake up with Jessie still on top of me. I checked my phone and saw it's quater-to 9.Fuck, I forgot to set an alarm.
No response.
She wakes up startled.
She got up quickly and hoped in the shower.
I called Emma and said we are going to be late.
After Jessie's finished, I hopped in the shower and got dressed. I grab a granola bar for Jessie and I and get in the car with Jessie.
Jessie-Should we tell the girls before or after training?
Niamh-I think we should do it because we can just leave if they annoy us too much?
Jessie-Should I take the ring off?
Niamh-Might be wise. I have a small zip lock bag if you wanna put it in there?
In the corner of my eye, I see her put it in the bag and put it in her pocket.
I laugh as we pull into the parking space.
We quickly grab our stuff and go into the building. We walk in and see Millie, Guro, and Erin there.
Millie-Your late!
Jessie-We woke up at quarter-to 9.
Millie smirks, then looks at me.
Millie-Whats on your neck?
I blush hard.
Niamh-Umm i-umm.
Millie-I'm messing. How come you woke up that late?
Niamh-We woke up at half six and just fell back to sleep. And I forgot to set alarms.
Emma-Girls, time for training!

Jessie's POV
It was after training, and I couldn't find Niamh.
Jessie-Guys, has anyone seen Niamh?
They all said no.
I'm about to turn the corner when someone scared me.
Niamh laughs.
Niamh-Sorry babe.
I kiss her, and then we go into the locker room where everyone is.
Niamh-Guys, we need to tell you something.
Everyone stops.
Jessie-We're getting married!
Everyone starts congratulating us. Until Fran came up to us.
Fran-So, the girl who said she likes being single, is getting married. Congrats!
I look at Niamh confused.
Niamh-Shut up, i'll tell you later.
I nodded and got up.
Jessie-Come, on we have to go home.
Niamh hands up and gets her stuff.
Niamh-Bye, everyone!
Everyone said their byes and we got into our car.
Jessie-Now it's time to tell family.
Niamh-Can't wait to see my brothers reaction.
Niamh-I have something to ask you.
Niamh-I know I proposed, but I was wondering if I could take your last name because Jessie Charles doesn't sound right.
I laughed.
I kissed her and I started to drive home.

Niamh's POV
I got into our apartment and went into the living room.
Jessie-Hey, I need to tell you something.
Jessie-Umm, I've not told you this, but I have a sister I didn't tell you because she doesn't speak to me because she thinks being gay isn't ok. I'm sorry for not telling you.
I looked at her, confused.
Niamh-Ok? I don't mind, you didn't have to tell me. I know you have secrets, I do too, and I wouldn't ask you to say them.
Jessie kisses me, and I kiss back.
Jessie-I love you so damn much.
Niamh-I love you so much you don't understand.
I kiss her.
Niamh-Right, do you want to call my brother to tell them?
Jessie nods, and I call him.
Niamh-Hey lil' bro.
James-Hey, why are you calling you never calling?
Me and Jessie laugh.
James-Hey Jessie.
Jessie-How did you know it was me?
James-Well, I knew it was you because Niamh never leaves you side.
Jessie laughs whilst I blush.
Niamh-Anyways, we have to tell you something.
I look at Jessie and whisper,'you tell him'
Jessie-We are getting married.
James-Yess I get a sister-in-law!!
We burst out laughing.
Niamh-Do, do you know if Mum and Dad are busy?
James-No there in the other room. Do you want me to get them?
We wait for my mum and dad to come into view.

A/N:I have no clue what their names are, so I'm going to make them up.

Carol-Hey sweetie.
Niamh-Hey mum, u ok?
Niamh-Hey dad, me and Jessie need to tell you something.
Simon-Hey darling.
Niamh-We're getting married.
I watched their faces turn into a big smile.
Carol, Simon-Congratulations!
We talked a bit more until we hung up.
Niamh-I love you so much.
Jessie-I love you too.
I kiss her.

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