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Chapter 4821: Sneak attack, Xu Minglei!

As the voice fell, Baili Hongzhuang didn't stop, and took a step to leave quickly.

According to what she noticed, someone seemed to be approaching not far away.

Although she doesn't know whether the opponent is a friend or an enemy, leaving before the opponent arrives and then observe is undoubtedly the best choice.

Just when Baili Hongzhuang turned around and didn't take a few steps, an attack came quietly!

Baili Hongzhuang's figure swept away, turned into a white glow and disappeared in place, avoiding the opponent's attack.

Stopped, Baili Hongzhuang looked at Xu Minglei who had attacked her, her black and white eyes became gloomy.

"Master Xu doesn't seem to want me to leave?"

The cold voice was chilly. If she hadn't been guarding against Xu Minglei, the attack just now was just right.

Once she is hit by this attack, she will definitely be injured.

Xu Minglei obviously didn't expect that his previous blow would fail. He also calculated the time and angle. Logically speaking, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't avoid it.

The only possibility is that Baili Hongzhuang has been watching them all the time, and it is precisely because of this that she can react in the first place.

After trying to understand this, Xu Minglei's gaze at Baili Hongzhuang also changed a bit.

He thought that Baili Hongzhuang was only good at alchemy, but he didn't expect that the other party was also very vigilant.

The family elders once told him not to underestimate the cultivators from the lower realms, because they came from one place to another, and the trials and cruelty they endured were fundamentally different from them.

He didn't understand it before, but now after seeing this scene, he suddenly understood.

From beginning to end, Baili Hongzhuang never believed them, and was always prepared for defense.

Listening to Baili Hongzhuang's words, Xu Minglei didn't feel embarrassed either. Anyway, he was ready the moment he decided to do it.

If you can kill with one hit, it is naturally the best. If you can't, you have to let the opponent hand over the spirit grass.

According to his judgment, Baili Hongzhuang had already picked all the most precious spirit grass when they came.

Although he doesn't know what kind of spirit grass it is, he can be sure that the value of that spirit grass is absolutely high.

"Hand over your storage ring, and we will let you go." Xu Yaqing's eyes were fixed on Baili Hongzhuang. The two of them came late, and Baili Hongzhuang has definitely gained a lot more than them.

Hearing that, Baili Hongzhuang chuckled lightly, "The two have broken their promise just now, and now they say this again, do you think I will believe it?"

"You have no choice." Xu Yaqing's eyes were cold, "If you don't hand over the storage ring, we won't let you go."

"If you hand over the prescription of the Eight Turns Bodhi Pill, I don't need your spiritual grass." Xu Minglei said.

The value of spirit grass is very high, but as long as they can have the elixir of eight turns of Bodhi Pill, that is the true value of unlimited.

"It turns out that your goal is this." A ridiculous smile flashed in the deep-like eyes, and Baili Hongzhuang's complexion suddenly became fierce, "It depends on whether you have this ability."

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