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Chapter 5046: Successful singing!

It's just that Xiao Sewu couldn't continue to laugh like everyone else.

Because, she found that Baili Hongzhuang's singing effect was better every time in the process of constantly trying.

The reason why everyone didn't notice it was because she sang for a short time. Whenever she found something wrong, she stopped.

And the next time she sings, the previous problem will be corrected.

Among all the people, only Xiao Sewu can feel it, but her heart is also full of disbelief.

She couldn't believe that Baili Hongzhuang could identify the problem so quickly and correct it.

Be aware that she used to learn and correct for a whole month under the guidance of her master, and then she successfully mastered the method of singing.

However, no one is instructing Baili Hongzhuang at all. Baili Hongzhuang can find the problem and make changes in the shortest time. This is impossible in itself.

The most important thing is that she found that under Baili Hongzhuang's constant correction, she was about to succeed soon?

How could this be?

"The Baili Hongzhuang of the Emperor's family is really stubborn. It's already this time, so she still don't want to give up?"

"She feels hungry too, so she just makes enough of a joke, she's really not a shame to keep going like this."

"She didn't want to think, even with the same attribute, how long has Xiao Sewu stayed in the Holy Society of Light? At this point, Baili Hongzhuang is simply incomparable!"

A cultivator couldn't help but said to Di Shaofeng, "Di Shaofeng, in my opinion, let Baili Hongzhuang use the art of piano music, why waste time in other areas?"

In these times of crisis, there is no time to waste.

However, as soon as the cultivator's voice fell, Baili Hongzhuang's singing was never interrupted, and the sweet voice entered everyone's ears, just like the sound of heaven.

Suddenly seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but was taken aback, and a thick color of astonishment appeared in their eyes.

They saw Baili Hongzhuang bursting with holy white light all over her body. She was wearing a white shirt, and she became more and more elegant and dusty. The red lips opened and closed, and the sweet singing voice spread out. With the unique healing effect of the light attribute, passing through the hearts of everyone.

No one thought that Baili Hongzhuang's constant attempts would actually succeed. Therefore, after everyone heard it, it took a long time to recover.

"I did not read it wrong, did I? She really succeeded?"

"I don't understand, how did this happen? It's not that the unique singing of the Illuminati is difficult to master is it?"

Everyone looked at each other, which was surprising.

Lin Qianqian and Lin Yiyi looked at each other, and the two women's eyes were filled with excitement, "Hongzhuang is really amazing, she actually did it!"

Murong Jing couldn't help but look at Di Shaofeng. "Shaofeng, your younger siblings are really amazing."

Di Shaofeng smiled slightly, and then winked at Di Beichen, "You said nothing wrong!"

Baili Hongzhuang's success did not exceed Xiao Sewu's expectations. In fact, when she noticed the continuous improvement of Baili Hongzhuang's singing voice, she already knew that mastering singing was just a matter of time.

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