1) His pain

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"Kahar?" A boy knocked on the door before he opened it slowly as to not make a loud sound.

"Weh aku- Kahar...!" The boy whisper-shouted, horrified at the sight in front of him.

Abdul Kahar was sitting on the ground, his back leaning against the wall beside his bed, shirtless. His body and face were full of bruises and bumps. However, it was the deep gash on his arm that stunned Fakhri. The blood-stained razor remained in his grasp.

"Ka..Kahar?" He whispered softly, kneeling in front of the form 5 student. The last thing he wanted was to trigger the miserable senior.

Kahar turned his gaze from the floor to the boy. His eyes looked empty and for some reason Fakhri's heart broke when he saw it. He suddenly doubted whether it was the same person he knew. The Kapla's eyes would always look at him with anger or hatred before.

"Ka..Kahar...Bagi aku pisau tu weh... Biar aku tolong eh?.." Said Fakhri as he carefully took the blade from Kahar's hand. Kahar just kept silent emotionlessly.

"Tunggu jap." Kata Fakhri sebelum bangun dan menghilang disebalik pintu dorm. Setelah beberapa minit barulah dia muncul semula dengan plastik yang berisi ubat-ubatan dan kain pembalut luka. Nama Azam Anyau tertulis besar-besar di luar plastik itu.

Fakhri sat in front of Kahar and slowly tended to his wound. Kahar just watched him silently.

Oh,God... Fakhri had never seen Kahar like this. What happened? Is it because of him? He was the reason why the secret tradition of Kudrat was revealed and the high council destroyed after all. Well, that's also the reason he wanted to meet Kahar in the first place.

"Relapse..." A soft, raspy whisper reached his ear, making him get off the train of thought.

"Kahar, takpe. Kau okay. Ni sikit je ni..." Fakhri tried to comfort him as he still cleaned the wound and bruises. He apologised when Kahar let out a hiss.

"Kau... dah makan?" Tanyanya teragak-agak. Yelah, member tengah serabut. Risau kena maki nanti.

Kahar geleng kepala dengan lemah. Melihat balasan tersebut, Fakhri tersenyum kecil. At least the Kapla still respond to him.

"Tadi parents aku datang. Diorang hantar makanan. Kau... Nak makan? Nasi ayam berempah. Ada kuih-muih sikit." Kata Fakhri, nampak sangat dia berharap yang Kahar akan terima pelawaan itu.

Kahar's pov

Fakhri pelawa aku makan? Apa pasal nada dia caring semacam? Sejak bila pula dia kisah pasal aku ni? Ke dia saja je ni? Dia nak kenakan aku ke? Tunggu masa je bila aku terpedaya, lepas tu bolehlah dia hancurkan aku kan? Sial punya manusia. Kau ingat semudah itu untuk gula-gulakan aku? Kau kejam Fakhri. Cukuplah sebelum ni kau cari pasal dengan aku. Jangan sampai aku bunuh kau sial!

"Kenapa?" Kenapa kau kisah pasal aku?

Apa kau buat kat sini sial? Seronok tengok aku macam ni? Ini yang kau nak kan? Aku dah kalah. Aku bukan sesiapa tanpa high council.

"Huh?" Fakhri nampak keliru dengan soalan tersebut. Seolah-olah dia memang tak faham apa-apa.

Takkan dia dah lupa? Aku ni musuh dia. Kenapa dia datang dan tolong aku? Patutnya dia gelak tengok aku macam ni, bukannya rawat aku, kisah aku dah makan ke belum.

"Kenapa kau datang?" Aku penat tengok muka kau.

"Ohhh ermmm a..aku nak cakap sikit dengan kau. Aku-"

"Lain kali."


"Aku penat. Lain kali kalau nak cakap."

Aku penat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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