Sallow's Shrouded Support

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The weekend came and went far too quickly. Sebastian did, in fact, nab the position of Beater on Slytherin's Quidditch team. That means in the not so far future I would be facing off with my russet haired counterpart. Much like our first introduction via duel, I'd be giddy to go head-to-head against Sebastian. Friendly competition was a mark of respect between us.

Significant news had also broken at Hogwarts- the Cragcroft attack. Today's Daily Prophet announced the awful event with a front page declaration of 'THE CRAGCROFT ATROCITY', complete with a moving picture of burnt out cottages. The paper spared no question as to the attackers- inciting murmurs of panic amongst the students sipping orange juice and snacking on morning sausages. Whispers of Morticia Lestrange's name whipped through the Great Hall. Nearly every group of students huddled in corridors or making their way up the moving staircase seemed to be having a hushed discussion about BloodHunters.

According to the Prophet, Aurors were being stationed across South Hogwarts valley to investigate and protect from further attacks. This didn't do much to quell my fear of the Vampire Queen. Last year, it seemed as though Ranrok evaded all attempts of capture by Aurors. However, the Ministry of Magic seemed less eager to involve themselves with the dark goblin. If the Ministry was taking swift action against the Vampire Queen and her BloodHunters, perhaps it's because Morticia Lestrange was a greater threat to the public than Ranrok ever had been.

That thought was particularly alarming.

"Shit!" I whispered, jumping as I felt a hand grab my wrist.

"Language, Grace," Sebastian chuckled. "Sit with me."

I rolled my eyes as Sebastian pat the spot on the wooden bench next to him. I'd nearly forgotten where I was- walking into Art class.

"Isn't this Imelda's seat?" I said, frowning as Sebastian moved aside for me.

"She's sitting with Dale, up front."

I looked to the front of the classroom to see Imelda in my old seat, next to Samantha Dale. She caught my eye and winked before turning around.

"And I suppose you had nothing to do with that?" I smiled, feeling a slightly uncomfortable heat creeping into my cheeks.

"Don't know what you're talking about," Sebastian's voice was melodic, clearly pleased with himself.

I dropped my books to the floor and took the seat next to Sebastian on the bench, unpacking my supplies as a hushed silence fell over the classroom. Professor Ewhurst stood and began lecturing, gesturing frequently to an oil portrait displayed at the front of the classroom. She was speaking about the consistency of oil paints with a vigor and excitement that would, on normal occasions, enrapture my attention. However, there was something distracting me.


Sebastian. Though I couldn't explain it, I felt some strange energy between us. A nervous electricity. For some reason, I was finding myself more concerned about Sebastian noticing the fact that I was slouching than whether pastels were better at shading than acrylics. Was he able to tell that his presence was making me uneasy? Did he also feel this uncomfortable tension?


That must be it. Though our relationship felt fairly mended, I still hadn't spent much time alone with, or near, the Slytherin boy.

So that must be why my heart was beating rather fast. Why memories of our night caught in the rain kept popping up uninvited to the forefront of my mind. I was just feeling... awkward.

I straightened my back.

"Working on your posture?" Sebastian's dulcet whisper startled me.

"No," I whispered back, blushing.

In The Shadows // A Sebastian Sallow FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now