~Wanwan Skins~

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"Okay, this one I just HAD to do because I love all of them!! Sadly, I can't decide on which one I like the most though... 😅" 

P.S. Tell me what you think!!

"So this is the original one, the "Aglie Tiger" Wanwan skin is what they call it (this is her main skin FYI)

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"So this is the original one, the "Aglie Tiger" Wanwan skin is what they call it (this is her main skin FYI)."

"This is the "Darting Star" Wanwan skin, my favorite one (one of my favorites), and the one that I use when I play as her in MLBB!" 🥰

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"This is the "Darting Star" Wanwan skin, my favorite one (one of my favorites), and the one that I use when I play as her in MLBB!" 🥰

"This is the "Darting Star" Wanwan skin, my favorite one (one of my favorites), and the one that I use when I play as her in MLBB!" 🥰

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"This is the "Pixel Blast" Wanwan skin which is another one of my favorites (as you can probably tell why), it's so cool!!" 😍

"This is the "Pixel Blast" Wanwan skin which is another one of my favorites (as you can probably tell why), it's so cool!!" 😍

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"This is the "E Girl" Wanwan skin, another favorite of mine!"

"And THIS is "Teen Pop" Wanwan, another favorite!" 

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"And THIS is "Teen Pop" Wanwan, another favorite!" 

"And THIS is "Teen Pop" Wanwan, another favorite!" 

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"Another favorite and this is "M-World" Wanwan."

"And last but not least, the "Shoujo Commander" Wanwan skin!"

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"And last but not least, the "Shoujo Commander" Wanwan skin!"

"So the question, if you could pick one out of all of these skins... which one would be your favorite?"

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