Chapter 4

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Third person pov:.....

The twins come back to their mansion with smiling faces and this make others looking them cause it's not everyday that you will see this two stones smiling...... "

Jin: who did you guys killed '".... Jin ask them

Gguk: Hyung what did you take us for?

Jin: Not my fault i saw u guys smiling which i have never seen before

Kook: Hyung we found our mate today at the mail

Others apart from gguk: WHAT!!!!

Sugar: don't tell me his the one you guys bought that mail for??

Gguk: well it's him, he said he wish to have the mail then we granted his wish,, gguk said

Others: WHAT!!!

Namjoon: you mean you guys bought the mail cause he wished to have it?!! He ask looking at the two creak heads ......

Kook: yes we did! You need to see him, his very cute and small that we couldn't resist,;,, he said while remembering their cute mate,,

Jin: you guys have gone mad!!!

Sugar: so what next when will you guys mark him?

Gguk: About that...... his not 18 yet, "

Kook: yes and his very innocent, we're happy we find him but at the same time we don't know how to tell him we're his mate and everything;;;he signed

Everyone was looking at them like they have grown two heads then Jimin decided to ask first

Jimin: what did you guys mean by his innocent? He asked while others looked at the two bunny's for answers

Gguk: what we mean it's that he doesn't know about anything,his grandparents raised him like a 6years old boy while his going to be 18 in two weeks..,

Kook: like he don't know about mate and marking it's frustrating,

Jin: how about visiting him today then we explain everything to him;

Gguk: no we can't we have to visit him next time cuz we just meet him explaining everything to him now will make him scared of Us;;

Namjoon: yes the suggestion is good let's leave them for now then visit them later to explain everything for him while his grandparents is around

J-hope: what if his grandparents refuses for them to take him as their mates,, I mean they're not ordinary people everyone knows that they are mafia and true blood werewolf and pure blood vampire,,,,

Gguk: never he's our mate whether his his grandparents like it or not he must stay with us by hook or crook,,

Kook: we don't need anyone opinion he must be ours immediately he clocked 18 years,,..

Both of them was angry their eyes was pure red the thought of someone taking their mates away from them is killing them and they will do everything to make sure that his their's;;

Others were sorry for the boy cuz they know that these two is heartless and they will never leave the boy they can see love possessive and obsession with madness in their eyes for the boy

Jin: you guys have to calm down , no one is taking him away from you,.. you guys should go and rest we will go and see you Mets in 3 days coming and after his birthday he will be yours and no one is taking him away

After hearing him they both went upstairs thinking about your mate,,,, when others see that they're not around anymore then Jimin said

Jimin: am I the only one that feels sorry for this boy already?

J-hope: no we all do but there's nothing we can do apart from praying for this boy they called their mate

Namjoon: I wonder why the moon goddess decided to throw The Innocents in the hands of a beast not one but two heartless beasts

Jin: joonie stop calling them beasts cause the moon goddess knows best maybe this innocent boy we are talking about we change them for good

Sugar: you guys should stop thinking the worst we should be happy for them cause they found there mate and we stop sleeping around with sluts

They all agreed which sugar and decided to drop the topic and hope for the best in future

Sorry guys for not posting since you know I'm new to this and I'm confused like I don't know if I should continue or stop but thanks for the encouragement and also I need help cuz I'm not perfect thanks for reading my story and pardon the mistakes

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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