Taylor X Reader

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Description : taylor gets spanked by female reader

Warnings : spanking paddle fngering ropes butt plug

Taylor comes home from the grammys yelling " i'm home " y/n goes down from their shared bedroom 'Taylor' y/n states sternly 'yes?' " i watched the live stream of the grammys" 'and?' ' "and?" i saw some celebrity touching you' 'i didn't notice that i was drunk maybe' said taylor faintly 'can we go to sleep' she added "oh no miss swift you go undress and wait for me upstairs" 'but I'm tire-"
'NOW.' Taylor rushes upstairs
Y/n grabs the paddle and goes upstairs
'well taylor, you know how the punishment works.' " no please y/n don't do this 'I'm sorry tay, i have to..'
Taylor sighs as she undressed and got on all fours "the panties too" 'no please it will hurt too much on bare' "i don't make the rules honey" 'but you do' said Taylor SMACK 'Ow I'm sorry' "your hands." taylor extends her hands as y/n ties them to the bed using rope and grabs Taylor's legs and ties them to the other side of the bed "now taylor, what did you do to deserve this?" 'a guy touched me' said taylor "and where did he touch you?" "my breasts" 'and what did he do after?' "he pinched my nipple" said taylor embarrassed about it "well we'll warm up with my hands" SMACK SMACK SMACK "oww it hurts" 'shut up' SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK the last one landed on Taylor's sit spot making her scream SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK on the 13th smack y/n stopped grabbing the paddle  "no y/n please" y/n pushes 3 fimgers inside of Taylor's vagina and starts spanking her with the paddle
Taylor screams in pain and moans after all she enjoys this y/n puts the paddle aside and grabs a butt plug "of course you won't do all of this right?"
Y/n stayed silent pushing the butt plug in Taylor's ass while putting 3 fingers in her vagina and grabbing the paddle again smacking taylor 22 times and then taylor came over y/n's fingers and y/n pulls them out licking them while taylor sobbed y/n hugged taylor "I'm sorry y/n" "no baby I'm sorry"
And then they fell asleep

The next day taylor woke up earlier than usual so she decided to write a song about y/n and when y/n woke up taylor said "hey baby come listen to this song i wrote about you" and she grabs her guitar "I'll only sing the chorus so i don't spoil it

" Someday, I'll be living
in a big old city
And all you're ever
gonna be is a spanker
Someday, I'll be big enough
so you can't spank me
And all you're ever
gonna be is a spanker
Why you gotta spank me hon?"

"what do you think?"

'i think you deserved yourself another spanking session'


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