Wildest Dreams (haylor)

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A/n : okay I'm really sorry but i can't think of a spanking scenario that's not repetitive I'm turning this to general oneshots

Me and harry were laying down taking in the after glow of the sex we just had "let's get out of this town" harry whispered quietly oh heaven can't help me when he sounds this good "and how will we do that mr styles" i asked him "drive out of the city.." he said

"yeah? And what will we do?" I asked quietly "go away from the crowds where people don't know us stay together forever.. Get married" when he said that i felt happy but i thought nothing lasts forever

He got up mumbling about running a bath oh he's so tall and so fucking handsome

Flashback to our last break up:

"Harry you can't expect to get drunk every night and then come back for me to take care of you"

"yeah well you're not my mom what are you going to do? Punish me?"

"you're so fucking bad harry" i shouted at him "yeah? But i fuck you so well" i sighed "we're over." i said as i went away as soon as possible

End of Flashback

"Earth to Taylor?"  shit
"oh sorry i zoned out" he picked me up taking me to the bathroom as he layed on the bath laying me on him
"i can already see the end of this harry" i said hesitantly
"shhh just enjoy the moment while it lasts its only beginning. I'm taking you somewhere"

We both got out of the shower as harry got out something from his closet, it was a long nice yellow dress as he told me to wear it and i did then he was in a button up and dress pants as he took my hand and led me to his car

We arrived at some deserted place the sunset looked amazing i kept staring at it as i noticed harry pulling a Polaroid camera and taking a picture "that was so random" i said as i kissed his cheek and laughed as i noticed red lipstick stains on it "it's so that i never forget this moment.. So one day it's nit only a dream"

6 months had passed since this

i was now with Adam (calvin harris) i saw harry at the award show but i ran up to kiss Adam. I went to the bathroom and harry followed me there and locked us inside "harry stop this can't happen again" i said to him "awh darling just cause you have an excuse of a boyfriend that won't stop me" he fucked me so well that time as I got back out to adam when i went home i touched myself thinking of harry instead of my boyfriend.
Almost daily harry would come over, if he didn't I'd go over i told him
"no one has to know what we do" but his clothes slowly filling up my closet again and my hair always a mess from his hands is noticeable

he keeps reminding me of what i said months ago "nothing lasts forever"

But it was getting good i thought maybe.. But no.

Harry's pov :

We've been broken up for a year now we just weren't made for each other's i still can't get the pictures of us tangled together all night all the memories following me around.. I still keep the little Polaroids in a box

"Harry come on let's go" my new girlfriend said while i was stuck reading some article about Taylor it's funny really cause i wish i could un-recall how we almost had it all. But now it's too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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