chapter four

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Chapter 4

Amaree's p.o.v~

After the accident, it wasn't long before things went back to normal for me. Bella and Charlie finally decided to stop coddling me and let me be. My headaches, just like Dr. Cullen said, went away after a couple days and I no longer felt queasy all the time from the medication I had to take. After a while, I finally went back to school. When I got here this morning, Tyler made it a point to wait for me by my locker and apologize profusely. Although, I had no animosity towards him. He lost control on a patch of black ice and panicked. It could have been anyone driving or anyone standing where I was. We were both just lucky that nothing too serious came out of it. 

“You’re alive!” Mike Newton walked up to me and Emmett, who were have a conversation, by the school bus getting ready for our field trip. Emmett was talking to me about one of his family camping trips. I could tell that he was exaggerating pretty much the whole story but I pretended to be clueless and let him continue his story before we were interrupted by Mike. I gave the town boy a small laugh and replied. 

“Yeah I guess.” I laughed out. Mike stood there for a minute, hands in his pockets, awkwardly before speaking up.   

He cleared his throat. “So, I have a question to ask you.” He stated. His eyes flickered over to Emmett, to me, and then once more to Emmett, who clearly got the hint and put his hands up in defense. 

“I guess I’ll let you two talk.” He said, awkwardly shuffling away from the two. 

“So,” Mike said. “I-I was wondering.....” 

My mind went blank. An image I didn’t recognize popped up in my mind. I was by Bella’s truck. Just standing. And I suddenly turned around. Then, the image went away. It must have been a flashback from my accident, but it still doesn’t show what happened to me. I hated not knowing, it’s so fucking frustrating! All I know is that I hit my head. It shouldn't bother me so much, I know what happened to me, but just the thought of not being able to remember it for myself gave me an uneasy feeling. 

Eventually, like always, Mike managed to pull me out of my deep thought. “So what do you think?” 

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Of what?”

“Prom? Will you go-go to prom? With me?” My face softened. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. He was such a good friend, and that’s it. I guess I just never thought of him as more than that. 

“Prom.” I stated. I tried to come up with some sort of excuse as to why I couldn’t go with him, I almost told him that I wasn't going, but that would be a bold face lie. I actually really wanted to go to prom, I've never been. So, in a last ditch effort, I told him a different lie. ”I- I would go with you, but I already have a date” 

Mike looked surprised. Like he almost didn’t believe me. “Who?” He asked, making me look around trying to find someone that I knew. My eyes immediately landed on Emmett talking with some of his brothers. 

“Emmett.” Shock soaked his facial expressions as he stared back at me. As far as I could tell, he was drinking up every word I said. He was believing me. “Emmett Cullen. That’s, that’s who I’m.. goin’ to prom with.” I giggled nervously, but automatically regretted it. My nervous laugh was very distinguishable. But alas, he couldn't tell. His lips drooped into a small frown, making mine form into a frown as well. I could tell that regardless of my intentions, I still hurt his feelings. 

“Oh, okay.” 

“You should asked Jess.” I said, hurriedly. Mike turned his head to look at Jessica, who was already staring at the two of us. She gave a quick smile and wave after being caught. “I know she really wants to go with you.” 

“I—yeah. I guess. Sure!” In a split second his ego went from bruised to boosted. He stalked off to talk with Jess and I let out a breath of relief and small smile at the simple minded boy. I got on my bus and mentally praised god for giving me the special talent of fibbing. 


The bus arrived to the greenhouse, and one by one each student started to stalk off the bus. I stepped down off the bottom step of the big yellow bus and walked off towards the greenhouse with the other kids. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Emmett come running out of the other bus, so I slowed and waited for him to catch up to me.

“What’s up prom date!” I jumped at his loud, booming voice.

“I—" I started to reply to him when I had realized what he called me. "Hey wait! How did you know about that!”

He shrugged and grinned like a fool. “I may have overheard you and Mike Newton talking.” 

I rolled my eyes. Did he have like super hearing or something. Honestly. “Of course you did.” 

“Well, do you want to?” He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and flickered my eyes over to Emmett who was scratching the back of his neck, something that I realized guys do a lot when nervous. 

“Want to what?” 

“Be my prom date?” 

“I—“ I was cut short when I heard a thud in front of me. My eyes snapped up just in time to see Bella tripping over a lump running through the floor, most likely a root that was underneath the tarp. Luckily, Edward had caught her before she fell. But he wasn’t to nice about it. Almost as if he were upset about saving her. 

“Could you at least watch where you’re going.” He said in a snide voice. 

I felt a rage burn deep inside me. I flare my nose and took in a deep breath. “Hey! Asshole! You don’t talk to her like that, you—you prick!” 

By now, I was in front of Bella in a protective stance. Edward kept quiet while I kept my hard, mean, glare on him. People around were staring. I simply ignored everyone and grabbed my sisters arm, forcing her to walk with me. 

“You didn’t have to do that.” Bella said quiet and awkwardly. I simply rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. 

“Were you gonna do it? He had no right to act like that. No can be mean to my sister unless that person is me.” I said in a laugh. Bella rolled her eyes at me, but nonetheless slightly chuckled at well. 

I heard a small smack and peered over my shoulder to see what it was. Emmett reached his hand up and swiftly smacked Edward upside the head. I gave a small cackle that I thought only Bella and I would hear, but of course Emmett and his super hearing heard. 

Peering over my shoulder one last time, I seen Emmett send me a small smile. 


After we finished with our little greenhouse tour, I stood by the bus with Emmett by my side, keeping my eyes glued on Bella and Edward talking. I didn’t know what they were talking about, but I had a feeling it was about the incident that happened not long ago. I wasn't too keen on Edward regularly talking with Bella when he was also regularly treating her like garbage. 

While I was thinking about their conversation, I wore I saw Edwards eyes flicker to me. Maybe it was just my imagination. Releasing an over dramatic sigh, I rubbed the side of my forehead.

“Don’t worry about it,” Emmett said. “I’m sure it’s nothing bad. If I'm being honest, I have no idea why he's treating her that.” I could see the wonder and concern that was etched into his face. I wasn't sure, however, who this concern was for. Edward? Or Bella?

I shrugged my shoulders. “Better not be anything bad.” I spat in Edwards direction, completely ignoring Emmetts statement about Edward before boarding the bus. 



4 pages; 1, 390 words

-Arianna (Same Old)

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