If you are or know of a writer, then it's fairly probable that you've heard of the infamous writer's block. According to my mental dictionary, here is the proper definition:
Writer's block - noun; a state of mind that often comes upon one while writing; the losing of ideas for a story or article; see also the most annoying thing to ever happen to any writer in this universe.
Now, from my experience there are two types of writer's block. Let's start with the first.
1. The Beginner's Block
This form of the dreaded writer's block attacks the brains of people who wish to begin writing a story, article, ect., but can't think of a good way start it off. This seems to happen especially when you have a wonderfully exciting plot and have everything planned... except the beginning. This can be extremely discouraging, especially for new writers.
2. The Too Much Time Block
When you are an 'unpublished' author, such as myself, there are not usually deadlines for when your story must be finished by. This gives a world of oppertunity to the writer. They have unlimited time; why start writing now when you could later, right? Or why stick with one plot idea? Why not just change your storyline every ten seconds? As you can probably tell, these are rather sarcastic questions, but too often too much time can lead to these sorts of thoughts. This causes stories to be left unfinished, ideas left unnurtured, and brains left in a foggy murk.
Now that I've explained in slightly soul-crushing detail about the writer's block, here are some remedies for it, to keep your gears turning.
1. Get inspired. Read something from your favorite author. Get some new ideas in your head. Start over again.
2. Creativity is a necessary thing in the world of writing. Things such as the colour green or even exercise- no, I'm not trying to trick you into getting healthy- can boost your creativity and get you right back in the writing business.
3. Take a break. Go do something else. Don't even think about writing. Let your brain have some peace.
Hopefully, this will help you avoid your writer's block, or at least brush it off more quickly, the next time it comes around uninvited.
Hope you enjoyed! Quinn signing out.