Part 16) Two Weeks, Part 1

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Steve P.O.V.

I felt Nat's breathing start to shallow out a bit, which I figured meant she was starting to wake up a bit. It was the middle of the night and I had woken up about an hour prior, I'd been careful not to jostle her in any way so she could sleep more, and I was trying to hold as still as possible so she wouldn't wake up right now.

She suddenly jumped back so damned fast I didn't fully process it until she was off of me and crouched in a defensive maneuver on the other side of the room. I panicked and froze, she was panting so hard it looked like she had run a marathon. I was breathing hard myself at this point, and I was trying to figure out what the hell just happened, it was like I was stuck in slow motion and the world was spinning faster.

"Nat?" I asked, still trying to calm my own heartbeat.

She shook her head again, blinking hard and trying to clear away some fog she was in. "Nat, it's me," I offered, slowly getting myself up.

"Stop," she pleaded, her voice cracked and so did my heart.

"Natasha, it's me," I realized what had happened. She woke up and felt a person underneath her, she thought I was Bruce.

She finally looked up at me as the confusion started to clear from those green orbs. "Steve?" She asked in disbelief.

"Ya, ya it's me," I nodded. I took another step and she backed up a bit, keeping that position so she could attack at any moment if need be. I slowly crouched down to the ground, which she didn't react to as much, but her guard was still up. "You know where we are?" I asked, trying to ground without touching her.

She quickly looked around but didn't take her eyes off of me for long. "Stark Tower, fifty fourth level," she observed.

"Where is Barton right now?" I wanted to make sure she knew 'when' we were as well.

"Farm," she nodded, more assurance in her own answer.

"And who am I?" I cocked my head a bit.

She looked up, "Steve," as she said my name she smiled just a bit. I couldn't help but smile back.

Then she shook her head as reality poured back in, "shit, shit," she finally dropped the defensive position and covered her face with her hands, "I thought you were him, I had no idea what was going on."

"I know," I got up slowly and walked away from her and towards the kitchen part of the lounge.

"Steve, I'm so sorry," I looked over my shoulder to see her having sat down on the floor, slouched posture, and watching what I was doing. She wasn't watching in a defensive way, her demeanor had relaxed quite a bit actually.

"No reason to be sorry, we all get spooked sometimes," I started to pour her a glass of orange juice with ice.

"Sometimes," she huffed, "Steve, I think I'm spooking if the wind blows the wrong direction," I heard her footsteps as she padded over and sat down on the other side of the counter.

"We talked about that," I turned and slid the glass of orange juice down to her, and then poured one for myself, "you're going through a stressful situation, your brain is keeping you safe. If that means you spook at every little thing, I don't care. I care that you're okay."

I grabbed two bread rolls in my other hand and walked over to go sit next to her in the tall chairs. I handed her a roll nonchalantly and started to eat my own. She was sipping at her orange juice, but she wasn't taking a bite yet.

"I'm pretty awake right now," she laughed a bit as she noticed the time. Her gaze fell to the large windows on the other side of the lounge and to the city below, all the night lights on against the dark sky.

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