Part 32) We're Okay Now

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Steve P.O.V.

The jet couldn't land fast enough, I needed to get to her. I realized that as I thought this, I was still laying on the floor. My body ached and had clearly not fully healed my several pulled muscles, as I asked my limbs to move they felt loose and out of control... and it still hurt like hell. The turbulence of the jet landing didn't help with my struggle to get up.

"Clint, you good?" As I pulled myself up, I noticed Clint hadn't moved much.

"Mmhmh," he mumbled, rolling over but not making any progress to get up. I dragged myself over to him with a fair amount of difficulty and then knelt down next to him. It felt odd to get back down given all the work I had given to get up.

"Clint, what's hurting?" I gently rolled him over so he was on his side and realized how much my super soldier healing had already sped my recovery along compared to his mortal healing.

"I'm fine, weneedt- ge-get N-t-sha," he stuttered, grasping at his head.

"Clint, I think you're a bit concussed," I pulled his head up a bit and tried to assess his gaze, he couldn't keep eye contact or hold his head steady.

"Ya, justa- a bit," he laughed weakly.

I was about to continue when I felt the familiar clicking, locking, and hissing of the jet docking, and then the whirl of the back ramp falling down. I looked up and saw Tony standing there, "shit, is he okay? Fuck," he ran up and started to look Clint over as well.

"He hit his head pretty hard," I answered and noticed the other injuries all over him, "his whole self got hit pretty hard."

"I'm going to be honest, you don't look much better off," he glanced me over, "but I'm more worried about him for the moment."

"Agreed, he needs a gurney," I didn't think he would have a lot of luck walking at this point, "and a head CT."

"Ya, luckily we have the world's best neurosurgeon downstairs," Tony got up and jogged over to the area where we always kept a gurney in the landing bay. The amount of times we would need this thing was higher than it should be, and most of the uses were by Clint... he was a bit accident prone.

He wheeled it over and we both got him laying on the stretcher, he gave minimal protests, and most of them were nonsensical sounds. "How is Nat?" I asked, I was surprised I had taken so long to ask the question that felt like it was literally burning a hole in my brain.

"Ya, Nat," Clint mumbled, the most coherent sounds he had made since we landed.

"She's fine," Tony quickly answered, too quickly. I knew he was lying, but because Clint was so clearly injured, I didn't push for now. "We'll go see her right now," he added.

I was desperate for that, "is she awake?" I also wasn't sure seeing Clint like this would be a good idea for her.

"No, she's been sound asleep since you left," he informed as he hit the button for the elevator. We all quickly piled in, the descent was quiet apart from Clint randomly humming a few notes.

I didn't know if it was good that she had been asleep, or bad. I wasn't a doctor and I didn't know much about health, apart from common sense, basic army first aid, and some pretty good suturing skills. Part of me was relieved, I knew she would have been pissed beyond belief if she woke up and Clint and I had done what we had done, she would have panicked, and that was the last thing she needed. But was it okay that she was still asleep? Was that a bad sign? When would she be waking up?

"Steve!" Tony called, loud enough that I knew I hadn't heard his first few calls.

"Ya," I responded, shaking those darker fears away from my brain. I realized my surroundings and saw that we were just outside the med bay, and I knew Nat was beyond those doors. Suddenly I didn't really care what else was going on, only that I wanted to be with her. I started forward, but Tony gently stopped me with a hand on my arm.

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