𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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Sinyaa sat in the cool temperature waiting room as she waited for her name to be called. To say she was nervous was the least, she had been through this countless of times, and yet her nerves always seem to be on high alert.

Sina right leg bounced consistently as her mind filled with all possibilities of everything going wrong. "Ma, chill out." She heard Von whisper softly into her ear, placing his tattooed hand on her thigh, genlty squeezing the exposed skin from her shorts.

"I can't." She mumbled back looking back at him. Von knew she was nervous like hell, and being pregnant upped her overthinking by a million. "Why?" He asked making sure to keep his voice low in the office barely filled with people.

The office so quiet you could hear a pen drop in 6 rooms down.

"W-we find out the gender today Von, and I'm in the second trimester of the pregnancy. Im-" She started to ramble before Dayvon cut her off. "Chill out, you not doing this shit by yourself, and If you want we don't gotta find out the gender today." He reassured taking her smaller hand into his, rubbing her soft flesh with his thumb in a circular motion to calm her nerves.

He watch as she took deep breaths he couldn't help but to smile when the worry line on her face slowly started to fade. Von gently grabbed Sina face before placing a kiss on her forehead making her nerves calm down.

The two didn't pay any attention when they heard someone walk into the office until they heard a scoff.

"So this what we doing Dayvon?" Asian asked, with her manicured hand on her hip with a stank mug on her face staring at Sinyaa in disgust. Both of their attentions were grabbed as they stared at Asian doll with shock.

Not only did Sinyaa have a shock look on her face, but so did he. Who'd think his ex would pop up to a doctors appointment for his surrogate. "You gon answer me or what?" Asian pressed further staring st the both of them.

Sinyaa snatched her gaze from Asian to look around, she watched all eyes, and even some cameras on them as her and these strangers watch the train reck unfold. "Asian the fuck is you doin' here?" Von asked calmly not wanting to raise his voice.

"Cause I am Von."

"I'm tryna figure out, why I had to find out through shaderoom instagram you was havin' a baby?"

"Cause that shit ain't nun of yo' business Asian." Von said simply feeling irritated at the whole situation. Dayvon let go of Sinyaa, and stood to his feet as he walked to Asian, he didn't want to embarrass her in front of these people so he was going to take her outside.

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