𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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FEBRUARY 14th, 2020
12:45 pm

Dayvon smiled as he admired the female the stirred under in his bed, Von finally felt the feeling the he was looking for. He had someone to make him feel whole again.

And he wanted to make sure she made felt how she'd made him feel. Sina eyes furrowed in her sleep, giving her a cute pout.

Von held the blue roses behind his back as this was the first gift he got for her this lovely day.

Thinking of a way to wake Sina up, he planted light feathery kisses on her face. "Good mornin' phat ma." He whispered as he continued to kiss her delicate face.

Pecking her lips twice, he felt he stir under him before he eyes fluttered open. Sina smiled at Von, she had gotten used to him looking at her when she woke up because he was usually up before her.

"Good morning phat." He repeated, since clearly she didn't hear him earlier.

"Good morning baby." She smiled, slowly sitting herself up to get more comfortable.

"You kno' today Valentine's day?" He asked. Clearly she didn't when her eyes widen, she had completely forgot about the holiday. "Happy Valentine's Day baby."

"Happy Valentine's day ma." He smiled, handing her the bouquet of blue roses that he had customized just for her. "Aww thank you baby." Sina had never been woken up with flower before, and she loved it.

Sitting down the flowers next to her, she opened her arms, ready to give him all her love and affection. Von grill was on display as he showed the women he loved in different ways how much he loved her.

Leaning down to give her two peck on the lips, and a hug, Sina couldn't stop the smile that was stuck on her lips. "You know I love you when you ain't een brush yo' teeth, and I still kissed you."

"Von-" she stopped, her smile disappearing and becoming irritated with him, while he laughed at her. "I can't stand you." Sina rolled her eyes, pushing up off him, and getting out of bed.

"That's why when I do brush em, you ain't getting nomo kisses." She threatened, immediately putting his laughing to a stop.

"Aye phat, chill out."

"Yeah, Akeke at that." Sina mimicked his laugh before walking into the bathroom, and closing the door.

10 minutes had went by when she all done, clean teeth, and a clean face. Walking back to the bed, Von was laying there on his phone.

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