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These days Gemini didn't spend his time with Fourth because he always gets out with P'Ford. Sometimes he gets jealous but he hides it.

"Guys, don't you notice Fourth and Ford always get out together? They're like glues to each other" said Prom while munching his food.

"Let them be, they have the same birthday might be because of that they are close to each other," said Satang which is kind of not makes any sense. Everyone just ignores his words and minds their own business.


"P'Ford how about this?"
"Then, you wear this one. I think it will look beautiful on you"

Minutes Later...
"So, How?"
"Gorgeous Pi you're so beautiful. I know you would nail it"
"Are you done? Let's pay"

-I know you guys are curious about what they are doing but don't worry it's nothing serious just wait for it👀

At night...

Since Gemini and Fourth are housemates they shared a house both of them pay for it
When Fourth gets into the house and he saw Gemini sitting on the couch with a serious face then he brings all of the things that he buy with P'Ford he just ignores Gemini and went straight to his room but then...

"Where have you been? Don't you see the clock!! it's already midnight why are you out this late?" said Gemini frustrated

Fourth is kind of scared of Gemini right now but he keeps his cool and looks at Gemini
"I went shopping with P'Ford also why are you worried I am not a girl I can take care of myself even if I get back in the morning"

"Because I'm worried about you!! There is this one day where you get beaten up by a group of people and you called me crying and asked me for my help you almost get r*pe Fourth!!! that's why I never allowed you to go out after midnight"

Fourth just looking at him smile a little because he knows that Gemini his crush is worried about him.

He walk closer to Gemini and caressed his cheek and said "Hey, I can take care of myself but I know that I'm not as strong as you sometimes I do need someone's help but you don't need to be worried much I'm with P'Ford even though we both are not that strong but at least he keeps me a company that time when you saw me like that I was alone I had no one and that time I walked in the dark alley so there are no people around there but today we when to shopping complex so there's a lot of people there they can help us if we need help... don't worry too much na, gem"
they stared deeply into each other eyes and it kinda gets a little closer but neither of them realized it until P'Ford open their house door.

"Ummm... Fourth you left this on my car" P'Ford said kind of gets awkward because of how they looked into each other. Fourth just awkwardly moved back from Gemini and went to get his things.

"Thank you na, pi"
"Emm, no problem ohhh and sorry na for interrupting" P'Ford just smirked at them and get away from there.

They just look at each other awkwardly and

"Ummm, I think we need to get the sleep it's already late... goodnight na ja, gem'
"Humm you too"

Fourth POV

the moment I get inside my room I blushed hard you could see my face turning red. It's hard to believe that they almost kiss.

I tidy up my room to put all the things I buy today because, In a few days, I need to get these things ready so I need to take care of these things well.

My eyes are getting heavier so I just went to sleep after I cleaned myself up.

I know you guys are waiting for the surprise but yeah I think it's in the next chapter we will see🙈

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