prom night

704 33 9

Gemini POV

Today is prom night I don't know why but I'm so nervous, my guts say that something going to happen tonight

I'm still waiting for my friends' group but I already know they're going to arrive late.
They always like that at any event coming late I already know their behavior.

'Now, everyone gathered in the hall and sat at the dining table. Each table has eight people, and each table will have four couples. P'Mark, P'Prom, P'Winny, P'Satang, and I sat at a table and waited for the arrival of our partner.

Honestly, I don't know whose going to be my dance partner because every single person that asked me said no to them just know that I already had someone in my mind but as per the rules I can't ask them out and now what do I have to sit here and being the third wheels of every couple???

but yeah I'm curious where are P'Ford and Fourth... ever since I get out of our house I noticed Fourth is not home so I'm just a little worried did he get sick? Ouh No I need to search for him.'

"Did any of you knows where are Fourth and P'Ford?" I asked my friends in case they knows right? Everyone just shakes their head.

'did Fourth not come for this prom' I said in my mind


The music already starting and everyone goes to the dance floor to dance with their partners

In the middle of the dance,

the darkness of the ballroom change because someone just walks in the ballroom looking so beautiful in that light purple dress the high heels with a gorgeous curly messy bun (just imagine Hermione Granger hair on the night) but sadly they wear a half mask to hide their face.

I don't know how I can get the courage to ask that mysterious person to dance with me

I come near them and asked them that, they nodded their head and without hesitation, I take their hand and bring them to the middle of the ballroom and start our dance.

By the time I held their waist, I don't know why but I had the feeling I had already held this waist and I had the feeling that this is Fourth.

The moment I locked my eyes with them I know this is Fourth. Seriously I'm surprised he looks extra beautiful tonight I never expected he would dress like this but I like it... No... I LOVE IT

we just dance for a few minutes then Fourth left while running outside and of course, I followed him.

Well, I can catch him easily because he is wearing high heels he can't run that fast. "Fourth" I catch his wrist and bring his body to my arm "Hey"

Now our eyes locked into each other but this time I can see his whole face because the mask already falls onto the ground.

"Fourth, you are so beautiful I can't take my eyes off you," I said while caressing his face his eyes slowly getting teary

"why Fourth? did I do something wrong? Why are you crying? no no no you can't cry you will hurt me if you cry, I can't see you cry please don't" I kissed his eyes to wipe away the tears away

"Gem... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I'm sorry for having feelings for you I-I- I like you Gem, I really like you, and every single time I tried to move on from you I can't because you are always in my heart and it hurts to let you go

I dressed up this way because I don't want you to know who I am but unfortunately, you realize it... and I want to have that dance with you, I keep on dreaming it, Gem, I don't want to embarrass you so that's why I dress this way and you know what...
it hurts to see you with someone else but all I can do is just accept it because I know you only think of me as a friend," Fourth said while sobbing

"Shuushhh... hey beautiful, don't cry please, and don't be sorry. Your feelings cannot be controlled they came in the most natural way ever you can't be sorry for that and I should be the one who needs to be sorry because I'm not being honest with my feelings with you

I like you too Fourth and tonight I just want you to know that you look gorgeous not because of how you dress but because you show me the real you" they both cried and slowly being close to each other until their lips touch. (guys their position: Fourth had his hand around Gemini's neck and Gemini had his hand around Fourth waist isn't it sweet)

We had the kiss that we had been wanting for so long. It seems that neither of us wants to pull away until...

"HEY!! LOVEBIRDS STOP SUCKING EACH OTHER LIPS ALREADY AND LET'S EAT FOOD AND NOT SOMEONE MOUTH" shout P'Mark with P'Ford beside him also dress like Fourth but in a different color.

We just laugh at his statement and look at each other again and you know he looks so cute right now seriously I want to eat him out and ripped this dress out of him. I just peck his lips a bit(not really) until he stops me.

"Stop it, Gem. I'm hungry let's eat" We held each other hand and get inside the hall.

When we get inside the dining hall all of the students there look at us and cheer for us surprisingly the teachers also cheer for us.

We are happy that this university accepts our relationship and accepts us as the way we are.

Is it okay for me to finish this book just like this? First of all, I want to say sorry if I had many wrong grammar or wrong spellings. I'm sorry if you guys are not comfortable enough reading this book. Have a good day 😊

 Have a good day 😊

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