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CHAPTER ONE — a drop of water in a sea of trash


Y/n's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself in an unfamiliar place. Gone was everything she knew. One moment she was in her room, and the next, she found herself in an unfamiliar neighborhood by the seaside. The suddenness of it all was jarring. This neighborhood seemed different, the air felt crisper, and the stars seemed to glow much brighter.

As she hugged herself tightly, trying to dispel the cold, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

"How odd," she whispered to herself, her breath misting in the chilly air.

Progress Towards Y/n's Explosion: 21%

She blinked a few times, hoping to clear the blur from her vision. The moon shone overhead, illuminating the horizon. Even though the beach was littered and dirty, it still held a certain charm. It was as if every piece of trash had its own story to tell. The waves rippled against the shore, a peaceful and calming sound.

With soft cries that harmonized with the crashing waves, her curiosity piqued, Y/n walked over and peered behind the fridge to see a boy with his face buried in his hands. Y/n hesitated at first, not wanting to intrude on his privacy. They were strangers, after all. But then she couldn't help but ask—


Midoriya Izuku was exhausted, body and soul. It seemed like the universe was against him today. Even the sun had given up on him and gone down without offering any comfort. He trudged towards the beach, hoping to find some peace amidst the chaos.

As he sat huddled behind a broken refrigerator, he thought about how his day couldn't get any worse. His fingers traced the burn marks on the pages of his notebook, the remnants of Bakugou's fury. He had poured his heart and soul into those pages, hoping that maybe one day, he could be a hero.

But what was the point? His quirkless existence made him nothing but a target for ridicule and scorn. He was a failure before he even had a chance to try.

"What's wrong?" a voice asked, their voice barely above a whisper.

Izuku peeked above his hands, his eyes swollen and red, to see a girl standing before him. She was dressed in a school uniform, watching him intently.

He wondered how she had found him, why she was still up at this hour, or why she even bothered to speak to him at all.

At first, the messy-haired boy didn't answer. The silence was deafening, and Y/n wondered if she had made a mistake by asking. But then, as if the dam had broken, he spoke up, his voice hoarse from weeping.

"I've always wanted to become a hero." he began, his voice barely audible above the sound of the waves. "Yet, everything's always been against me."

Y/n stared blankly. A hero? Like Caped Baldy?, she thought.

Izuku found himself pouring his heart out to a stranger. He didn't understand why he was sharing his deepest insecurities with someone he had just met, but the words flowed from his lips like a river seeking release. The night was dark and lonely, and the weight of his dreams felt heavier than ever before.

"My friend could make explosions in his hands," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "And even my mother could move objects. But me... I was left with nothing."

"Nothing but this piece of trash, I guess..." Izuku wiped the remaining tears on his sleeve, now holding up something burnt?

And then, as if a sudden epiphany struck him, Izuku chuckled bitterly. "I'm sorry, I must sound so pathetic right now. It's not like I'm the only one without a quirk."

Y/n stared blankly once again. What's a quirk?, she thought, but she didn't want to burden him with her confusion. Instead, she sat beside him in silence, offering her presence as a comfort.

"If it's alright with you, can I take a look?" Y/n pointed at the notebook in his hands.

His gaze fixed on her in wonder, as if he had never seen someone show interest in his world before. He clutched the notebook with shaking hands, feeling his anxiety rise like a tidal wave. The weight of her expectations felt like an anchor, threatening to pull him under.

Hero Analysis for the Future No 13.? He must've written a lot., Y/n thought.

As she flipped through the pages, she was struck by the sheer amount of information contained within. Every detail about quirks, heroes, and villains was meticulously recorded, each line written with an intensity that was almost palpable. The ink had bled through the pages in places, as if Izuku's pen had been unable to contain his passion.

A passion, a desire to be something more, something greater than himself.

And yet, despite the care with which it had been crafted, the notebook bore the scars of its owner's struggles.

"I—It's not a problem though! I can always write another—

As Y/n's fingers brushed against the crumpled pages of the notebook, a soft, warm light began to emanate from her palms. The light, like a soothing balm, enveloped the notebook and started to spread over the pages, stitching together the torn edges with delicate tendrils of light. The colors in the air shimmered and danced, reflecting in his wide, awestruck eyes,

It was as if the light was breathing new life into the pages, each stitch healing the wounds left behind by flame. As the light flowed over the notebook, Its color hummed and pulsed, an otherworldly energy that seemed to pulse with the rhythm of the ocean waves.

It was a power born from the heart, one that Izuku could feel in his bones.

He watched, spellbound, as the notebook slowly came back to life, its pages fluttering as the light worked its magic. The glow from Y/n's hands intensified, and the colors deepened, like a rainbow in the dark. He felt a surge of warmth in his chest, a spark of hope that he had almost forgotten.

And then, with a final burst of light, the notebook was whole once again.

"I find that it's not for others to say what you should value." "Y/n said, her lips curling into a small smile. She handed the notebook back to him, and Izuku grasped it as if it was his most prized possession. "It's not trash if it's what you deem important."

"Your notebook," As she withdrew her hands, the glow faded. "is a reflection of your passion, your heart, and your soul."

"And that's something that no one can take away from you." she continued, rays of sunlight painting the world in a warm peachy hue.

Izuku looked down at it, feeling a mix of disbelief and gratitude.

He looked up at Y/n, his eyes shining with unshed tears.

Who knew at first light of dawn, Midoriya Izuku would be so star-struck?

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