09|how to claim you

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There are ways to deal with a fool. Especially the one you know you have business with, the one you need to use to get some good shit from the black market. One of those fools was the man standing beside me. Mark Alekhin, the father of the woman that everyone thought was appropriate to be my wife.

He was full of himself, just like his daughter. His conversation was worthless and his presence was a reminder that I only talked to him for the respect of my precious person, my grandmother.

I lifted my glass of white wine and took a sip. My eyes never left the entrance of the ballroom. I could see an empty aisle with a red carpet and bright lights hanging from above along the aisle. 

The guy beside me was busy talking to me about the country and useful resources that could give us power and money. Not knowing I knew the resources and I was of course ahead of his stupid thoughts. I had no idea how Grandma landed herself to be friends with him. Because he was a minister of internal security? I wouldn't know.

I let him brag. I knew he desired to keep me close. But my attention was somewhere else.

My eyes were craving to see her walking in on the red carpet secured only for her. Somehow I could feel that she probably ran away, but again, I had Cole in my hands, she loved him and she couldn't defy my conditions.

She was the most expected in the congregation. To see her wearing the Diamond necklace around her neck was something everyone was expecting.  

I was growing anxious with every passing second because she was smart, she could easily trick Akim and get rid of everything. 


Thinking of it caused my inner demons to go insane. I took a huge sip of the wine in the glass, which basically cleared it. Just immediately, a waiter appeared in front of me and picked the glass. 

I fixed my tie, ready to excuse myself from the man beside me and go carry inna fucking Grace to the show. But I hadn't taken action when a figure appeared at the entrance. 

She was there. Inna, my fake beautiful wife.

For some damn reasons, my blood kinda stopped for a second. Every sense in me was banged. My eyes were driven to every corner of her slender figure. And as she made her way inside, my cock began erecting.

I didn't really see her in that beautiful gown that fitted her so impeccably, not her well-shaped figure she always hide behind those baggy old clothes of hers, not even the hair that was falling gracefully on her held-high shoulders, and fucking not a cleavage that was on everyone's mercy, or even her smile. 

It was the woman back at the hotel I was seeing. The woman that was under me looking so fucking angelic.  The girl I undressed and managed to see some of her hidden beauty,  her shapely figure, her full boobs, and of course the way I pulled her dress down her legs. 

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