Even throughout the times (you stand by my side).

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Notes : reader insert, minor(?)angst, chuuya bday fic. about 2k~ words.
Warning : absolutely no proofreading and no beta we die like oda :3

Warning : absolutely no proofreading and no beta we die like oda :3

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Chuuya does not dream.

He sleeps, yes, but the sensation of a peaceful slumber rarely ever visits him. He's not sure why, but he'd like to think that it's practically a form of normality; at least to him alone. Even if the people around him clearly don't think the same, even if you don't seem to experience the same.

He's content, really, for as long as he's able to bask in the atmosphere of happiness that invokes in itself the moment you enter his vicinity, and as long as he can fulfill his duties properly, he's alright with it. He's not the type to think things deeply, after all.

Although, now that he thought about it, today seems different; albeit not distinctively so.

First things first: you're quiet. And while it has been the norm between the two of you, today seems to, just.. He's not sure. It feels different. And his intuition — especially gut feelings — has always been accurate, more so than often.

Could you be feeling down? Not that he minds, of course, unless it's his fault. But it's not like the two of you have been interacting as much lately, no? Besides, you're much more ruthless in the battlefield (again, silent too) when your face is laced with relentless anger. Mortifyingly so, sometimes.

Second of all: there's barely any job. And it's not like he's ungrateful for the unexpectedly odd amount of spare time, but it's bizarre. Because if there were to be any form of special, eventful occurrences going around, he'd definitely be informed. He's literally an executive; a direct second-in-command right after the boss, for fuck's sake.

And third: where the hell is everyone else?

They're not slacking off, are they? Hirotsu wouldn't let them, and your perfectionist ass sure ain't gonna let any opportunity to drag your subordinates into your missions as long as there's benefit to reap for you, and for them.

He's starting the wonder if everyone suddenly got turned into something else whatever-the-fuck-it-could-possibly-be, or if that ugly fucking mackarel fish is playing games with him again. He's sure that bastard could even grow comically gigantic mushrooms in his exquisite floor tiles just to piss him off, annoying jackass.

Well, he could question the boss and ask him directly regarding the oddities he's been experiencing today, but.. It's not like it's the most important thing, anyway. Maybe it'll change again tomorrow, who knows? He believes that his boss isn't the type to meddle into trivial affairs, at least to him.

At this point, he'd usually just approach you and rant about all the shit he's gotta deal with through the day, but then if he were to exclude you from the list of problems he's gone through today, you'd definitely know; or, identify that he's hiding something.

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