Who should I trust?...Nsfw ;)💙

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You and Dr starline was going at it really hard he then bit you on your neck and you moaned and then he stopped and thought of something. "It's getting pretty late y/n we should probably sleep" you dusted your self off and looked at him "Your right but we're should I sleep?" Starline thought of something and then smirked "You can sleep in my bed" you blush red and then fallow him.

At the middle of the night

Dr starline was typing in his computer and put the password in and it was incorrect he then thought and then put in
"beautiful y/n" and it was correct. Starline had a mad face it looked like. On the computer it would say "PASSWORD ACCEPTED. SECONDARY VOICEPRINT REQUIRED" starline then put in "a beacon in a sea of ignorance" it then showed on the computer"Welcome Dr starline". Then dr starline put his hand on his chin. "Reduce volume replay last development journal"

Dr starline looked in back of him to see Zavok. "you move surprisingly quiet for a big guy." Zavok looked at Dr starline "When I want to. Your quite stealthy yourself...

...Mimic." mimic put a finger up to his beak and shush Zavok. "Keep your voice down. Eh? I don't want to wake up the real deals. Especially Her~"

I never trusted him with Her. But I try not to make a move without food Intel. I suspect you came in looking for evidence. too?" Zavok thought about yesterday"no I've confirmed his lies for myself. I came to find out if the devices he promised were booby-traped." mimic got back into the computer. "Checking. No thay're legit." Zavok looked "Really? He's as short sighted as eggman." Mimic smiles and looks back at Zavok. "say's here it's to make sure there's no misfires. He wants Us to be at our best until he disposes of us. Except y/n. I mean what if he is planning something worse for her?" Mimic gets up form his chair walking over to the sleeping Dr starline cuddling you "Jokes on you doc. Your the one that isn't waking up tomorrow and Y/n would be Mine." Zavok walks up to him and grabs his shoulder. "No outside now."

Mimic walks with zavok "I'm not waiting for him to pull the trigger! I'm ending this Tonight!" Zavok looks at mimic "we still need him to access the eggnet. He won't make his move until he Feels like he's gotten all he wants. And if we both want y/n we can't just kill Dr starline because she would be asking questions. Tomorrow, we will open the way to what we want. Then I will reward your patience by letting you finish him." Mimic agrees"Fine. But if it looks like he's moving up his timetable. I'm not waiting any longer" zavok looks at mimic "Fair enough now get some rest. It's all ending in the morning"

In the morning

Starline looks at everyone "Aright you guys know the plan we will get in the truck and go to the eggnet hub. I will drive the truck and My assistant will be on my lap" zavok looks at Dr starline "No she will be in the back of the truck with me and tumble. I mean starline you Are driving so she's going to be in the back." Starline groans and gets in the truck and starts to drive

On the highway

Rough weights in his note book "No no no! That don't rhyme with mimic!" Tumble looks in the opening at rough"What about gimmick?" Rough looks at tumble "eh... Maybe? Let's try it out." Tumble got ready "Okay *ahem* you better not whine! You better not grumble! It's about to get tough! We've got a new gimmick! Get ready for havoc! It's Y/n,Starline, Tumble,Rough, Mimic and Zavok!" Tumble smiles at Zavok The others except rough and you. look annoyed rough looks at mimic "Y'all are a buncha ingrates! That was inspired! You looked at tumble and smiles in eximent. "Yeah! I loved it! I mean I don't think I could come up with that!" Tumble smiles a little and pats your head and then zavok pulls you close to him and his hand rests on your chest and you blush hard red and zavok crosses his hands again. "it is a sign of growing kinship. Congratulations are in order. Doctor." Dr starline tighten his grip on the wheel "We still have a long way to go to victory don't you think you're being premature?" Zavok closes his eyes "you brought us all together. Your plan is unfolding perfectly. Eggman certainly wouldn't have been able to orchestrate such a operation. I am glad to command you my faithful servant." Dr starline looked the other way off the road and he losen his grip on the wheel. "well... High praise indeed. Thank you zavok"

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