💙 DD - Baby girl

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Dixie (4 months)

The three Dixon's were sitting in the giant traffic jam of a highway. Merle was driving, Daryl was in the passenger seat and little Dixie was sitting in her fathers arms, sucking on a pacifier keeping quiet like she always was.

"Little brotha, this is a mighty big problem. "

"Yeah, I know Merle, but this is the best way out of the city. "

"Not if we go offroadin, trucks made for it, and we got the bike in the back. "

"You wanna go offroadin? When we're in the middle lane of a bumper to bumper traffic jam? It's not like we can run the other cars over bro. " Daryl was mad about the situation, but he had to be reasonable and logical here.

"Ehh, I'm not opposed to runnin things over little brotha. " Merle chuckled and proceeded to light a cigarette, and rolling down the window so Dixie wouldn't breath in the smoke.

Little Dixie made a little cooing noise towards Daryl, upset that his attention wasn't on her. He looked down and gently ran his pointer finger down her cheek, causing her eyes to slowly get heavy. A little trick he learned a few days after he brought her home from the hospital.

"I know Rosey, I know. We gonna be alrigh'. "

"Yeah Dixie Rose. You're daddy and uncle Merle got ya. " Merle said and rubber her little sock covered foot making her smile with her eyes closed. Who knew these two redneck men could be so soft for a baby.

Daryl smirked slightly and continued to stroke his daughters cheek while they waited for the traffic to let up.

3 hours later

"Okay. This is getting ridiculous. We gotta ask around. "

Daryl nodded and they all got out of the truck, there were people walking around, running and grouping up. Dixie had managed to sleep the whole time in the truck and Daryl was glad she was.

Merle, being the oldest and most talkative of the 3, found a small group and was asking questions.

Daryl stood behind him while rocking his sleeping baby girl in his arms.

"Oh! A baby. " A young girl said, curly hair and holding a doll in her arms. She walked up to Daryl with a smile and looked at little Dixie in his arms.

"Uh, yeah. Who are you? " Daryl said awkwardly. Taking a step back.

"Im Sofia. Is it a boy or girl? "

"This is Dixie my daughter. " Daryl was standoffish and wasn't interested in talking to this little girl. He didn't like kids... He didn't like anyone besides his own daughter. Even Merle sometimes.

"She's cute. " Sofia smiled and walked over to Carl who was sitting on a cars hood.

Apparently Merle was invited to follow their group up to the quary where they were headed.

They were all walking away to get into their cars when a giant bomb went off in the city. It caused everyone on the highway to panic and for Daryl to get pushed down by a giant man who was running for his life. He used his body to shield his crying baby, getting stomped on by all the people.

Merle, who got pushed up against a truck a few yards away saw his brother go down. Merle couldn't stand the idea of Daryl and Dixie getting hurt so he shoved his way through the crowd and moved anyone with force to get to his family.

Standing in front of his brother, Merle shielded the 2 Dixon's, making sure they didn't get trampled any more. Merle put his hand on his brothers shoulder, letting Daryl know it was him and that he was okay.

When the crowd finally let up, Daryl was checking over Dixie, who was crying. She just got woken up by being pushed to the ground, who wouldn't be mad at that? She was more scared than anything but she also got a small scrape on her elbow, but it wasn't bleeding.

The brothers moved their attention to the truck, getting there as fast as possible and driving their truck behind the RV of the group and followed them onto a dirt road.

Getting up to the quary was easy enough. Dixie had stopped crying after Daryl was bouncing her and Merle was rubbing her little foot like before.

They took pride in their abilities to take care of Dixie together. Not being assholes like their father and actually keeping her safe and happy.

Once their group had finally stopped the caravan of cars, everyone started setting up their own camps. Merle was making sure everything they needed was out of the truck. Daryl was setting up the tent and little Dixie was having tummy time on one of their sleeping bags in the grass a few feet away. She was cooing and eating one of her toys when her father picked her up and let her lay on his knees while he sat in a lawn chair.

Everyone sat around the fire in the middle of camp, getting to know one another as the sun started to go down. The Dixon's didn't really want to, but if they wanted to stay, they had to play nice.

"So, who's the little princess? " Lori asked with Carl sitting on the floor in front of her.

"Baby girls name is Dixie, Dixie Rose Dixon. " Merle said with his flask in his lap and a smile on his face.

"She's mighty cute, quiet too which is surprising. " Carol said and smiled towards Daryl.

He knew having the only baby in camp would get him attention, but damn this was awkward. Daryl nodded towards Carol as a thank you and watched as his daughter was smiling and cooing up at him. His small smirk didn't go unnoticed to the group.

"How old is she? " Amy asked. The blonde was curious.

"4 months. " Daryl said quietly.

"Awe, I remember when Carl was that young. " Lori gushed and squeezed her sons cheeks making Carl groan in annoyance.

The night continued to go on different topics, but soon little Dixie had fallen asleep. She hummed in her sleep letting her father know she was out like a light. Quietly, Daryl tapped Merle on the shoulder letting him know he's going to bed with Dixie.

"G'night Dixie Rose. " Merle whispered and rubbed her little hand gently.

Daryl nodded goodnight to everyone and  slowly climbed into his half of the tent. He decided to make a little rectangle out of rolled up blankets so Dixie couldn't roll too far. She was still sleeping, curled up and her little snores made Daryl's  heart melt.

Daryl couldn't ask for a better daughter. Sure, when she's sick, shes a clingy, fussy and noisy pain in the rear but he wouldn't have it any other way. Daryl soon layed down on his side facing Dixie.  Just admiring his daughter with a small smile.

He was proud to be a dad. Very proud.


1164 words... Not bad 😎

Moe out 🖕🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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