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While he was looking for mushrooms and berries in the forest, a brown haired boy named Tubbo saw light coming from between the trees in the distance. He had never seen lights coming from there before, so he walked a little closer to have a look.

Tubbo was slightly nervous, because he had never ventured so far from his cabin before and it was getting dark, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he walked further towards the lights.

The brown haired boy gasped as he saw a huge mansion spilling light into a clearing. He hid behind a tree and peeked out into the clearing. On the second floor, the large windows showed a dinner party of some sort going on, with people in fancy suits drinking from champagne glasses.

Tubbo saw a very tall man in a suit get up from the table, stumble a bit, and walk to the glass sliding doors that lead onto the second floor balcony. The man pushed open the doors and Tubbo ducked behind a tree, afraid that he would be seen.

The man on the balcony looked sort of drunk and out of it, and he leant on the balcony railing, which didn't even go up to his waist because he was very tall.

Suddenly, the man's eyes drooped closed, and he toppled over the railing he was leaning on and plummeted to the ground. Each microsecond the man fell felt like an hour to the scared boy hiding behind a tree.

Forgetting about his hiding spot, Tubbo dashed out into the clearing.

But it was too late.

The body of the man hit the ground with a sound that made Tubbo's hairs stand on end. It sounded like every bone in the man's body had broken.

The brown haired boy waited for a second, but the man wasn't getting up, or even opening his eyes. Tubbo's eyes widened as he saw a man through the window on the second floor point at the balcony and chuckle, and another man point at something inside and smile evilly. A shiver breathed down the back of Tubbo's neck.

Although he was originally planning on knocking on the door of the mansion and telling the people inside what had happened, Tubbo didn't think that the people inside had meant the tall man any kindness.

In fact, they might have even been the reason that the man had seemed drunk in the first place!

Coming to this concerning realization, Tubbo decided to take a risk. He didn't know who the man was, or why he was at a fancy dinner party in a mansion, but he did know that the man was probably in danger from the people inside.

The brown haired boy grabbed hold of the ankles of the tall man, and started to drag him to the bushes and trees at the edge of the clearing. He didn't want to make any injuries the man had any worse, but at the same time he didn't want the other people to see him tending to the tall man's wounds.

The man's height made him incredibly heavy, but Tubbo persevered, and eventually was able to drag the tall man's body into the woods. Once the body of the man was safely behind some bushes, Tubbo took off his felted coat and laid it down over the man lying on the ground.

He took one last look at the tall man, and raced off back into the woods to his cabin, to get some medical supplies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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