Chapter One: Planning A Ball

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"Mom, do you think twenty dozen orders of each flavor of macaron will be enough for the night?" Marinette had been filling out the dessert order form for the past fifteen minutes.

"Twenty dozen of each flavor? Marinette, you can't be serious." The queen took a seat next to her daughter, and pulled the order form towards herself.

"I'm very serious. Each of our alliances are coming to this ball, I don't want to let any of them down." The princess extended her arms on the table and laid her face down between them.

"Sweetheart, you don't really think we'd lose an alliance because we ran out of a flavor of macaron do you?" Sabine gently stroked Marinette's head and coaxed her to look at her.

"No I don't." She said with a pouty look on her face. "I'm just really nervous." She quickly hid her face again.

"I know this is a big night for you Marinette, but you really shouldn't worry too much dear. You're going to wear yourself out." She quickly finished filling out the order and made a few corrections before handing it to one of the servants in the room.

"I just don't want to give Lila any reason to pick a fight with me before I can smooth things over with her. We really need this peace treaty with the Rossi's, they're at the trading ports. If they get mad for any reason they'll close us off from all trade and our economy will start to plummet and it'll be all my fault because I can't get along with one girl!" Marinette felt like she would start crying at any moment.

"There, there. It'll be alright. We will work it out if we can't make tonight happen, and nothing will be your fault." The queen pulled her daughter into a tight embrace, and rubbed her back to soothe her.

"Thank you mom." She hugged her back, feeling very loved wrapped up in her mothers arms.

A knock was heard at the door, and they pulled away from one another. Sabine reached out and brushed her hand on her daughter's cheek with a smile, wiping away some stray specks of dirt from the table. Then she sat up straight and said "Yes, come in."

Marinette mimicked her mother's posture as a servant entered the room.

"Your highnesses." She curtsied. "His majesty wishes to see the queen." She stayed in a bowed position as she addressed Sabine.

She stood and made her way over to the servant and placed her hand on her shoulder. "I've told you before Alya you need not address me so formally. You are to become the first of my Marinette's ladies."

Alya stood up straight and gave the queen a shy smile. "Many apologies, I'm still getting used to the fact."

"It's alright dear." She smiled kindly and left the two young girls alone in the room as the rest of the servants followed her majesty out of the room.

The door shut and Alya slouched. "Your mom is so nice, it's scary." She chuckled nervously.

"I told you, she wouldn't be mad about you being my lady. You deserve a better title, but this is about the best that I can offer to my best friend." She smiled and offered Alya the seat her mom had previously sat in.

"Are you kidding me? Marinette, come on. Me, a servant of the lowest class is becoming the princesses first lady. Do you hear how insane that sounds! I'm jumping like fifty stations because of you, and you're acting like it's not a really big thing that you're doing for me." She sat down with an audible thump.

Marinette averted her eyes and smiled. "You are my truest friend. I'd do anything to keep you by my side."

"I'll always be by your side, Marinette." She took her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"Now." She clapped her hands together and stood up. "We should start planning what you'll be wearing for the ball." Alya walked over to the door across the room that led into a separate room dedicated to the princesses' gowns.

"Alya please, there are so many more important things to worry about than my outfit. I have to finish planning the catering and then make sure that the musicians have been paid properly, and-" she stopped mid sentence when Alya came out carrying several gowns in one arm and a sketchbook in the other.

"Marinette, appearances matter just as much as the catering does. Especially because of Lila, you know she'll take any chance to make you feel bad and I won't allow it. You will be the most beautifully dressed and you will feel incredibly confident that no matter what she says it won't affect you." She laid the dresses out over the bed and on the chairs and handed Marinette her sketchbook.

"Why did you bring this out?" Marinette clutched the journal close to her chest. She had always been insecure about her designs, and never told anyone that she enjoyed fashion and designing. The only reason Alya knew about it was because she accidentally walked into the room with all the gowns while Marinette was in the process of sewing up one of her creations. Ultimately it was one of the many reasons they became such close friends, Alya had discovered this secret about the princess and kept it for her. She even encouraged her to continue designing and sewing even though it was the trade of a lesser class.

"I brought it out because there is still enough time for you to just make your own gown before the ball. Imagine it Marinette, you will be the only one in a dress that nobody will ever get the pleasure of wearing because it wasn't mass produced and sold to whoever could afford it. It is your design, your art, the world should see it and be envious of your talent." Alya picked up one of the gowns and showed it to Marinette. "Plus, no gown you own looks as beautiful as the gowns you've created."

"Please Alya, I can't. There is no way I could wear my own design. What if someone asks me where I got it from, or who made it?" She stood up and walked toward the opposite side of her bed.

"Tell them the truth." Alya put down the gown and picked up another one in a baby blue color.

"Alya!" Marinette put the sketchbook down hard onto the mattress.

"Alright, alright fine. You can lie. Say that someone else designed it, invent a pseudonym for yourself." She put the gown on one of the chairs disinterested with its simplicity.

Marinette quirked her brow. She had never considered a pseudonym, this could be exactly what she needed. She loved to design truly, but her status as princess would never allow her to design publicly. The criticism could ruin the kingdom's standing, and if she were to inherit the throne after her parents retire from the crown she would have to command the people's respect. A pseudonym could give her the freedom to continue to design, and still be seen by the public as a respectable figure with more fitting hobbies.

Alya looked up from the green gown she was holding and saw Marinette's face twisted into one of fearful excitement. "What are you thinking about?" She lowered the dress.

"I think you're right, Alya. I'm going to use a pseudonym. Let's put these gowns away, I'm going to make my own." She looked at her with determined eyes, and an enthusiastic grin.

Alya dropped the gown, and couldn't believe her luck. She actually convinced her to make and wear one of her own designs.

"Oh wow! Okay, I'll go get fabrics. And don't worry no one will see me I promise!" Alya quickly scooped up all the gowns and rushed into the closet to store them. Minutes later she ran out and said "I'll bring all the colors, I can't believe this is happening!"

Marinette watched her leave and opened her sketchbook flipping through the pages, thinking about which design she should make.

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