The Legends

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Tony and Peter make it to the sanctum, thanks to an Uber driver, and it's not there. What's left in its place is a normal apartment building. "Okay, that's not good." Peter states.

"Okay, no Strange. Which is bad, to say nonetheless, so we can't make it to Earth-1 to get help." Tony tells him and his senses start going off and he looks back towards the building and walks towards it.

"Tony, were you going?" Peter asks him and remembers he has his powers and his senses are dragging him towards the building. They make it to the building and they appear inside.

"Strange!" Tony shouts. "Strange, please remember who we really are." Peter begs, having enough of this.

"Wrong sorcerer." A familiar voice says and they see Wong. "Strange has vanished ever since what happened to reality. And we don't know what happened to you two." Wong states looking at them.

"Wong, we need your help, you need to open us a portal to Earth-1, so we can see if it changed anything there or if they remember us. "Okay, you do that, I'll work with the Avengers, fill them in and try not to sound crazy while doing so." Wong tells them and starts opening a portal for them."we owe you, Wong." Peter says and they step into it.

Earth-1, inside the Temporal zone the Legends have just saved the world from literal hell raining upon their world and are getting used to Nora joining the crew as well as figuring out why they can't leave the temporal zone.

"It would appear there is anomaly appearing from the lower decks." Gideon tells them. "This better not be Gary again." Nate begs.

"Well, somebody's gonna have to see what it is." Sara tells him. "I'll roast it." Mick states and grabs his gun.

"Woah, buddy, do we really have to do that?" Ray asks Mick. "Let's just see who it is first, they could be friendly." He explains.

"Fine, Ray, take Nora, see what's going on." Sara says and they leave to do so.

On the lower decks, a portal opens and leaves Peter and Stark and they see Nora and she's ready to attack. "Whoa, we come in peace!" Peter shouts and Ray sees them. "Whoa, Nora, they're okay. There friends. Guys, this is Nora Darhk, Nora these are our friends Peter and Tony." Ray explains to her.

"Oh, so you know I'm Tony and he's Peter?" Tony asks the man.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Ray asks them and Tony just leaps to the ceiling and shows he's got Peter's powers.

Back on Earth-616, Wong has been explaining the situation to the Avengers. "So, you're saying that Peter and Tony have what, been Freaky Friday'ed?" Mayday asks Wong.

"No, they look like themselves. But someone swapped their realities. And he or she is more than likely to do it again." Wong explains to her seeing the confusion on Steve's face.

"So, Peter is actually Tony and in Vice Versa?" Steve asks, trying to make sense of it all.

"Simply put, yes." Wong tells him.

"You believe any of this, man?" Sam asks Bucky and he looks convinced.

"I believe him." Bucky states and they all look confused. "It's been going crazy outside with these crazy storms, and on the same day Peter and stark start acting strange. This can't be a coincidence. And...I have been seeing something. It was some guy with ridges on his head, had a giant cape and some armor." Bucky tries explaining to them.

"And you think these red and blue skies, this guy, all of them are all somehow connected?" Bruce asks.

"So Peter and Tony were reality swapped by a guy with a cape?" Sam asks him.

"The true question is who hates both Stark and Parker to do this to them?" Wong asks them.

On the Waverider they explained their situation to the rest of the Legends. "So, somebody and you don't know who, swapped your lives and your identities?" Zari asks them, recapping everything.

"Basically, and we don't know anyone who is capable of doing this or hates both of us enough to do so." Tony states as he's learning how to control his powers.

"And we can't get anyone to believe us. Wong had went to convince them, but were gonna need help." Peter tells them.

"We seriously should've done the crossover." Nate comments on the situation.

"Okay, you know what? I've got a plan." Sara says as she stands up and grabs the breach technology Cisco Gabe them. "Ray, you're in charge. I'm gonna head to their earth to help them. I'll call if I need help." She explains the plan and they're all annoyed that Ray is left in charge.

They open a breach and step through.

Once they've been explaining to the Avengers what really happened, they still need to learn who did this and Bucky tells them about who he saw.

"So you think this guy you see has something to do with what happened to them?" Sara asks him.

"I mean, I only started seeing him after they started acting weird. It was...strange to say nonetheless." Bucky states as he starts getting a headache just thinking about it. "You're best giving up now. Because their is nothing any of you can do will alter what's been set into motion." The voice tells Bucky and he's getting confused.

"So what's our next move?" Tony asks as Miles and Mayday are watching the news about Otto.

"Honestly, Beck should update his security." Miles comments. "I mean, it would stop the Fearsone Five from escaping all the time."

Tony and Peter turn to look at him. "Say that again, Miles." Said Peter.

"It would stop the Fearsome Five from escaping?" Miles says again, not understanding what it has to do with anything.

"Fearsome Five?" Peter asks Tony.

"He pulled of the biggest illusion ever." Peter states as to realizing the one man who benefits from seeing both him and Tony suffer.

"Quintin Beck." They both say at the same time. "You guys got a plan?" Sara asks them.

"We're going to the Raft." Peter explains. "To pay a visit to a enemy."

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