ch 13(last) cunning reality (✿✧⁠Д⁠✧⁠)

318 11 3

"written like this are spoken in English"

There are total three minor i guess waring Beawar

In minor family mansion
Vegas in front of mirror fixing his hair and pete glaring at him with fands folded in front

Vegas you aren't even healthy yet so can't you just skip your meeting...?

No babe I can't (its going to decide our future)

W- but khun korn cam wait why do you have to go now ...(vegas giving pete the puppy look)

Ok but i would come with you
(Glare) and that's final

V. Ok
..get ready and let go but you would stay with khun ok ...

P ...................

Pete (raise both eyebrows)

P .
Haah ok (goes to bathroom)

After 4hour {as we all know how innocent both are }

In major family mansion

V&p both striding towards elevator (with vegas left hand on pete waist )

P.(he sees the cover of mask on vegas face)

Are you ok vegas?
(whisper )

Uh huh i am ok ...

Got inside the elevator with a ding (door close)/

P.(he places his hand on back of vegas where he can feel heart and started to pat there just like trying to say :i am here always for you: )

Vegas turns towards pete and smile but his eyes were different like they were telling him to stay and let him be there in every step of his life those truma still haunts him like telling him that pete would leave and he would alone again, vegas was trying to plea him to stay near him that he is ready to be monster that he hate the monster that his father wants him to be he will become even more scary and emtion less one so just  please stay just be there even if he don't love him ,he just to keep pete safe away from these drakness even if his karma is right in front he just to keep pete safe...

Vegas eyes the to portal to his inner self his true self the real vegas which is ready to be recite by pete only pete it was as if they were beging pete to just be there even if it meant his death even if being with pete he had to drink poison he is ready for that even if it means dying to the hand of a satan ......

P. (Frown)



/Both striding toward khun room/

(Kisses pete forehead)

P. Smile

/Vegas walking away /

P .( Please let everything be alright....)

(Someone Whisper in pete ear)

You really are crazly in love aren't you?

P. Jumpes
AAHHHhhh hah hah .... can't you appear like a normal human khun no

Tsk tsk tsk what have become pete being love Dove in front of all those tasteless emotionless black cockroaches

Khun no all the bodyguard are not Cockroaches

We can never be sure when they can't even cry when our lee rang died no one shed a single tear off goosebumps i can't even see them again like before....

Vegas Pete( I Want To Be  Happier )Where stories live. Discover now