chapter 5

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it was monday morning and kelly was already getting dressed i looked at the clock and it was 6:30

"kells why are you up so early we sont have to be in the food hall till 8" i asked sitting up

"im going to the gym before we have something to eat if you get up now you can come with me" she smiled i nodded and jumped out of bed picking up my gym wear and school and a pear of black jeans and a black top with my black hoddie i walked with kelly making small talk there was a few other students walking around the school some where just going for walk and some just wanted to sit outside and the sun rise hardly anyone was using the gym there was five students and too teacher when we turned up we decided to go on the tredmil i was cold when i started but after 10 minutes of walming up i was ok i spend an hour on the tredmil when i saw Mr grey running on the outside track i looked at my watch and decided i should have a shower and so did kelly we walked in t the girls shower room and had a shower then got dressed my hair was damp but not really wet so i put it in a plat to keep it tidy.

we walked out and i walked into someone and looked up

"Miss robertson i would watch where you was walking if i was you" i heard a chuckle i looked up and saw Mr grey staring at me i just smiled and walked off

"lee you seem to always walk into him or the head" she laughed i just smiled

"its not my fult" i smiled

"well you have good tast in men" she said with a smile i just shook my head laughing

we walked in to the food hall ad met the rest of the group and got something to eat it was great being back with the group we make small talk while eating we all cheeked out time table and i had child develoment (cd) first and then maths and so on so i had Mr grey then Mr lahote this is going to be a long day.

the day went ok and i didnt have to stay behind when i got back to my room i saw kelly standidng outside i walked up to her she put her finger on her lips to tell me to be quiet and she lent on the door i did the same

"i understand but you still didnt tell me why you are in your studends room Christen" me and kelly looked at each other

"well you are the head and you was already in here but i came to drop of a copy of the homework for kelly as she asked me for one i said i would drop it off and here it is" i looked at kelly as we herd paper being moved around

"very well Christen i was her as i need to speak to lee now if you dont mind i will speak to her later" i turn around and walk up the corridoor with Kelly so they woudnt know that we was listering

"ah lee may I have a word please" Mr Lahote asked smiling I nodded

"kells wait for me and we can go together" I smiled and she nodded I followed the head to his room

"please sit down" he said pointing at the chairs I sat down "you must be wondering why I have asked to speak to you well its about Sunday I didn't mean to kiss you forehead I wasn't thinking I know you didn't mind but I just wanted to say sorry and to see if we can be friends" he asked looking at his desk

"its fine and sure I don't mind being friends if that's what you want" I said not taking much notice

"it not want i want it what you want" he sniled at me and i nodded and smiled back

"so what do you want to do then lee" he asked with a smiled

"well if you dont mind sir i have to go and change for dinner and my room mate is waiting for me" i smiled

whatever you want (student-teacher) book oneWhere stories live. Discover now