chapter 10

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It has been a week since I told Edward what had happened and lucky enough I am still with him. part of me wished I was still with Christen as there is something that pulls me in I get scared when she around it as if lately he is letting his mask off to save me by showing me himself and I don't want a guy out of a movie I get that it may be his role model if it is he can find someone new, not that he has me but if he want me back will I will try and say no.

I spent the weekend in my room I didn't want to leave it as I was scared that Christen would be looking for me,  when I went out to eat I stayed with someone so I would ask them to walked me back to my room and if they asked I would tell them I had to be watched as someone was after me, someone was with me all the time I felt like a prisoner but it was done to keep me safe as they where trying to catch Christen out all of the kids knew what was going on and the few members of staff that watched my room. Christen slept in the room next to us so it is now going to be watched 24/7 to look after me, he stopped outside my room yesterday and saw a few people stop at watch him and he walked of then they knocked and told us.

It is Monday and I have to face the whole school but I know people wont talk as they have swan to keep everything privet, as you don't know who could be listening so everyone was as normal just watching Christen a bit more. me and the group walked into the food hall and Christen was speaking to the head Mr Lahote he glanced over at me and continued speaking, Kelly grabbed my hand as I felt week that me looked at me, we got food and sat down I heard footsteps that stopped behind me I bit my lip not knowing who was there I then heard Kelly.

"thank god it you Mr Lahote, its ok lee its the head" she sighed and I nodded and looked up he looked angry

"may I sit please I need to tell you something that you will want to Kill Mr grey for but please don't" he said looking at the table and we all nodded "he told me that if lee didn't come and speak to him by herself he would break down the door and" he stopped his anger getting the better of him as he hit the table I watch my drink jump in my cup and I bite my lip

"he will do want" Edward hissed biting his lip and the boys stood up and walked over to me and stood behind me

"please sir tell us we need to know" Rhys asked and ben nodded now looking pissed off I was like a sister to him

"he would rape her in front of the school and would hurt anyone who tries to stop him" I saw a tear fall down his cheek the boys all hissed "I then told him that he would have to kill me to stop me from saving her or anyone in my school" and everyone nodded and agreed I shook my head

"it wont stop there even if I speak to him he will try and rape me anyway, there is no stopping this guy he will do what when he wants as he doesn't care as long as he has hurt people physically and mentally do you understand now" I told them and they all nodded, just then someone cleared there throat and we all looked up and saw Christen on the stage so he hadn't heard what we had said we all looked at each other and everyone in the hall stared at him, my group stood around me I could still see him and hear him I told the group it was ok so they stood at my side and behind me.

"good morning Allhallows school I hope you all had a great weekend even if you was hiding" he smirked at me I bit my lip I knew this was coming I looked up and was staring right at me a small smile appeared on my face as I know what im doing next, my group looked at me I nodded at the back door behind us where everyone come's in then my group knew what I wanted to do as they smiled " you might want to know why im here speaking to you all well, I want to speak to lee on her own" I stopped to breath everyone in the hall gashed and shouted no " or I will rape her in front of all of you and anyone who tries to stop me will get hurt so what your choice" he smiled at me

"you want to know my choice well fuck you if you want her come and get her but touch her and I will kill you" Edward shouted stepping in front of me blocking his view of me Kelly grabbed my hand and we ran out the hall I could hear everyone in the room telling Christen to go and died as he wont get me.

we where outside in a part of the school that I didn't know that existed it was pasted all the trees and down a hill there is a beautiful little lake and a little lodge I guessed that we weren't on school grounds but there where no fences to stop us from getting here behind us was a shed that was looked but it had a sign on it  'Allhallows fishing equipment, Summer only' I gasped my school had this place and only the purples knew and the old teacher as Christen is new here he wouldn't know about this place but summer starts next week so I may only be safe for long maybe a few hours as he will be told about this place, I am sure he is hurting Edward to get to me he will hurt the purples so he can find me so I sat on the grass and cried he wanted to hurt me and Edward might died because of me I loved Edward so much and yet he dying for me the guy I was going to marry is being beaten up cause of me.

an hour later I heard shouting so I listened carefully and so did Kelly "where is she, she couldn't of got far" one voice yelled I flinched at he sound "why do you care so much,you didn't just all an ambulance for her boyfriend who my not survive what Christen did" another one yelled I gasped pitting my hands over my face I knew who it was "well ben she is part of our group that's why I care now find her before Christen does" I jumped up he still was looking for me I turned off my phone I already had 3 miss calls from him and 5 from the group I needed to get away from here, Kelly had also turned off her phone them yelling was an warring that he was looking for me. I was pacing up and down the grass.

"lee hunni please stop pacing its distracting I am trying to listen for footsteps but I keep hearing yours instead" she whispers over to me and I nod and sit down I close my eye then I hear running and I up like a shot and I am next to Kelly in a blink of an eye I see ben and Rhys then run down the hill and see the lodge

"kells, lee its us quick come with us someone told Christen about this place he is on his way we can go to my special place that only me an kells know about" it was ben Kelly grabbed my hand and we all run up stream to a lovely place with a tree house only it looked like a real house "this is a real house I spent good  money on this place if I get upset I come here and they send Kelly to find me as no one knows about this place it's just before the school stops but of cause no one thinks about up stream why would they when they have everything down there" be explained as he let us all in the house I knew for once I would be safe for tonight anyway.

I woke up and took in my surroundings its a beautiful tree house, I knew I wouldn't want to leave its like living in a real house the bed are soft and for once I slept well. everyone else started waking up and bed make us all breakfast which was really nice I knew that they find us here sooner or later I am hoping its later instead off sooner but I was wrong we heard shouting from a drown stream they are close.

"well how far would they go there is nothing up here I come up here every weekend" it was the head I just remembered that we had to walk into the trees to see the house it cant be found unless you know where to look "I hope you are right in saying that you have seen ben up here rose" I looked at ben and he nodded he walked out of the house then came out of the trees

"Mr Lahote may I help you with anything" ben asked and Mr Lahote smiled

"I am so glad to see you ben please tell me you have found lee, Christen is on a mad one so I want her to be safe" he sighed and ben smiled

"she is safe where I will not tell you but take everyone back to school and don't come up here again as this is my place, kells and Rhys are safe with me when Christen isn't trying to rape or kill lee then and only then will she come back to school understood?" ben asked Mr Lahote and he nodded.


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