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"COME ON BOYS!" Luna would yell running towards an old, brown, rusty. The Twinkie.
The warm weather filled the air of which a brown-haired girl ran through. Followed by three boys and three girls.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, John Booker Routledge. But we call him "John B". He's my brother and the most annoying one of all. But we have a good laugh."
During this time John B would get into the drivers seat and hurry to get his keys out. The door to the Twinkie opened by a young good looking man.
"JJ Maybank. He goes by "JJ". He definitely has a thing for Kiara, and me? But who knows it's JJ."
JJ would climb in putting his hand out for two young ladies. The first Sarah Cameron.
"Sarah Cameron. The kook. I didn't like her at first. But she grew on me. Mostly because she's my brother loves her but yeah. Sarah Cameron. The Pogue."
And the two next young ladies.
"Cleo. And Kiara. Cleo normally the planner of the group and saves all our asses but no one takes her seriously. And then there's Kiara, the Kook of the group. Rich parents. Rich life. Rich everything. Don't even know why she's friends with us."
Four in the Twinkie. Two to go.
"Pope Heyward. The Smartest one out of us all. If he didn't hang out with us on the cut. He's be the next Issac Newton. Even better. Is that possible?"
One down. A brown haired girl would run after the Twinkie as it had set off.
"GET IN OR I'M LEAVING YOU!" John B would yell looking at the cops behind them chasing them.
"COME ON LUNA!" Sarah would yell putting her head out the door with JJ.
Luna would look back at the cops getting closer and closer.
"GO JOHN B!" Luna would well stopping as she quickly picked up a sharp nail on the floor of the cut throwing it at the cops car.
"LUNA!" JJ would yell getting pulled back in.
"NO!" Sarah would shout. John B would look through the mirror at his sister getting arrested as he looked down.
"And that's me. Luna Routledge. The "protector" of the group. You could say. There's not really much about me."
"HEY WATCH IT!" Luna would shout as she watched the Twinkie drive away. Then she found her seating in the back of the cop car.

"What the hell John B! You really going to leave your sister like that!" JJ shouted going face to face with John B.
"No JJ! She's my sister! I would never leave her like that. But I had no choice. It was us or her!" John B.
"And you left her!" JJ exclaimed.
"He had no choice JJ!" Pope replied pushing JJ back towards John B's house.
"Guys relax it doesn't matter." Sarah said standing with her hands crossed.
"Why not Sarah?" JJ asked slightly annoyed.
"Cause you know who's going to bail her out." Kiara said sitting down. "She'll be here in the morning."
"So are we not going to do anything?" JJ asked.
"Nope." Pope replied sitting down by the fire.

At the police station, in the cell, sat a girl looking at another women in the cell.
"What you looking at newbie?" A women filled with tattoos on her body replied.
"What do you think I'm looking at?" Luna said smirking.
"You got a problem? You've been in here what an hour? Your going to get bailed out soon kook."
"I'm a Pogue sweetie. And the names Luna. Luna Routledge." Luna said standing up.
"That supposed to mean something." The women asked looking up at her.
"Not one thing." Luna said as she then looked out the cell to find a cop opening the door.
"Bye now." The Routledge said getting escorted by a cop.
Luna got taken to the main office we're the handcuffs were taken off her wrists leaving a mark were they had been rubbing. As the cop wrote the fine she had to pay she looked up.
"You'll be back Routledge." The officer said.
"Thanks for your input." Luna said looking at her name tag. "Officer West."
"Your very welcome." West said in reply. "Now go."
Luna would smirk as she waved goodbye before putting her middle finger up quickly walking out.

Outside the Sheriff Department, deputies and rookies stood chatting to each other. Luna walked down some steps to find herself looking out into the car park. There, she found a tall muscled young man stood with a concerned look. Luna walked over as she got in the car.
"Jesus." The young man said getting in the car.
After he had got in the car, he looked at the girl next to him.
"What's going on with you?" The young man asked turning the engine on.
"I saved my brother." Luna said.
"By getting yourself with a $30,000 fine?"
Luna would look down.
"What's going on with you?" He asked putting his hand on hers.
"I- I don't know." Luna replied. "Did you pay the fine?"
"Yeah. All of it. I can't leave you in jail." The young man said setting off.
"Yet the pogues can't ." Luna said looking out the window.
"Where do you want to go?" The young man asked.
"To yours please." Luna said looking at the boy.
"Yours. Rafe."
"Whatever you want Luna." Rafe said looking at her smiling then looked back at the road turning down a road.

With this comfort, with this boy. Luna felt safe.

"That's Rafe. Rafe Cameron. Sarah Cameron brother. Not one of the pogues like him. But me. Me. I like him. I like him an awful lot."

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