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I walked down the hallway taking note of the man who had left the penthouse next to mine. His back was turned to me so I couldn't see his face. He was wearing a black suit and seemed like a businessman.

When I made it to ground level and left the building it was already 10pm. Hoping that the other person hadn't already gotten to Carlos I headed to the outskirts of the city.

I took note of the fact that I was being followed.

"That's her?"


"You sure?"

"Yes you fucking rat"

"Who even is that though"

"She runs some sort of covered up criminal enterprise"

"So why are stalking her?"

"You don't listen when mikey talks do you"

"Not even a little bit"

"She's after the same guy that koko is"

"Oh" rindou said as his brother smacked his hand over his mouth the silence his next words so that
y/n didn't hear them.

"Where's Kokonoi?" Rindou asks

"He's waiting, says he will go when she comes back empty handed"

"Boo" kokonoi said as he creeped behind the brothers.

They both turned around with their guns pointed at Kokos temple.

"Give it a rest guys"

They lowered the guns realizing who it was

"What are you two doing"

"Stalking your mistress"

"My what? There's no one there" koko said as the brothers turned around to see nothing but an empty street"

"What the fuck." Ran said

From where they were sitting there was no way that the girl could have been out of their sight unless she knew they were there and she did it on purpose.

I continued walking and I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I checked out my surroundings before stepping out of the view of anyone who could be following me. I walked into an alleyway and the feeling was instantly replaced with silence.

I kept walking until I made it to the building on the outskirts that he was supposed to be in a meeting in tonight.

I walked into the building, the clothes I was wearing didn't raise suspicion because I looked like I was simply attending a meeting there myself.

I walked upstairs and waited for the elevator doors to open from the floor above me I heard loud shouting and arguing. The elevator dinged as two men stepped out of it and started walking towards a separate conference room at the end of the hall. One who the two men was Carlos, I waited patiently in the room adjacent to the room they had just entered. The other man had gotten up holding some paperwork and persuaded to the door. Once outside of the conference room. I walked into the room acting as if I was supposed to be there.

"Evening sir, I was sent to give you this" I said handing him a piece of paper.

He seemed confused as to who I was but he accepted the paper.

Whilst he read the paper that just had a bunch of absolute nonsense written on it. I took my gun out of the waste and of my slim tights that hugged the curves of my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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