Chapter 24

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As the three sisters arrive on Sevestar Island, Eve can't help but marvel at the vast, hidden place before her. The island is a sight to behold. They spot Ash, who is diligently training his new Pokémon. It's evident that he's put in a lot of effort, and he looks tired but accomplished. With a sense of pride and exhaustion, he mutters to himself, "I did it... I finally got a Hydreigon now..."

Liepard: Ability: Unburden. Moves: Assist, Fake Out, Sand Attack, Snatch, Sucker Punch, Play Rough

Scrafty: Ability: Moxie. Moves: Rock Climb, Brick Break, Focus Punch, High Jump Kick, Head Smash, Lash Out

Zoroark: Ability: Illusion. Moves: Scratch, Burning Jealousy, Imprison, Fake Tears, Foul Play, Night Daze

Mandibuzz: Ability: Big Pecks. Moves: Attact, Bone Rush, Brave Bird, Defog, Mirror Move, Nasty Plot

Hydreigon: Ability: Levitate. Moves: Tri Attack, Focus Blast, Draco Meteor, Dragon Cheer, Scale Shot, Nasty Plot

"Congratulations, Ash!" Alice and her sisters call out as they approach him. Alice rushes into Ash's arms, and they share an affectionate, passionate kiss that leaves Eve momentarily stunned. Her sister is passionately kissing the renowned World Champion.

Flora clears her throat and playfully scolds, "You do realize you're not alone here, right?"

Ash and Alice separate, and Ash becomes aware of Eve's presence. He offers a warm smile and extends his hand towards her, saying, "You must be Eve, Alice and Flora's sister, correct? The one aspiring to become a Professor. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Eve shakes Ash's hand and replies, "Indeed, that's me. I've heard everything from Alice, and I appreciate your support when I was busy."

Ash dismisses her thanks with a kind smile and says, "No need to thank me. Instead, it's Alice who has taken excellent care of me. After the incident with Team Rocket a year ago, I was lost in darkness. Alice was the light that guided me back."

As Ash praises Alice, she blushes intensely, clearly touched by his words. Eve listens with a fond smile, happy to see her sister in such good company. Eve shares her own perspective, saying, "Well, I don't mind the darkness. Unlike Mom and Dad, I've always had a fondness for Dark-types. They give me a sense of calm and drive."

Her attention then shifts to the five Unova Pokémon in Ash's company, and she inquires, "Are these your Pokémon, Ash? Are you engaged in some sort of Dark-type training?"

Ash grins and explains, "Actually, Alice and I now share Pokémon with each other. Her Pokémon are mine, and vice versa."

Eve nods in understanding and then gets to the purpose of her visit, saying, "I'm here because I aspire to become a Pokémon Professor. However, I need three recognition stamps from different Professors and one from a Champion. Can you help me with this?"

Ash, although willing to assist, expresses his concern, "I can certainly help you with the Champion recognition, but there's an issue with Binary and Sylvan. Their names haven't been heard in seventeen years, and if we simply use our disguises, it might raise suspicions. People may believe you're fabricating their identities to obtain the stamps. Your mother did mention that they found the Pool of Youth in Terminus Cave, which adds to the complexity. I'm afraid the Professors might question your story..."

Eve's determination shines through as she frowns and asserts, "But... I've put in so much effort. I can't just give up now. My dream would mean nothing."

Ash takes a moment to read through her research papers before posing a thought-provoking question, "Interesting... your topic is about Dark-type Pokémon, huh? Alright, let me ask you this: Why did you choose Dark-types as your research focus?"

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