Chapter 96

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It was time for Ash's final League battle, and he faced Forest in Pewter City Gym. He managed to defeat Forest's Golem, Omastar, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, and Steelix, ultimately earning the Boulder Badge. Afterward, they had the chance to meet Brock and his wife, Holly. Alice took the opportunity to ask Holly numerous questions about motherhood and pregnancy, as she wanted to be prepared for the future.

A few days later, Ash, Alice, Insey, and Reisa arrived at Cerulean City Gym. Ash stood in the doorway, sighing deeply. Alice turned to him, saying, "So, the time has come, huh? You're going to face Misty..."

Ash nodded, his expression serious. "I know I said some harsh words to her before, but what she did really hurt me deep down. I just hope she'll give me a real challenge, and I want this to be over with."

Reisa reassured him, "I have no doubt you'll handle it just fine, Ash."

Insey chimed in, "Indeed, Brother. You've got this."

With determination, Ash entered the gym and found Misty waiting for him. She couldn't help but feel a mix of happiness and apprehension as she saw Ash finally come to challenge her gym. However, she knew she couldn't show any weakness in front of him.

"Welcome to Cerulean Gym, Ash. I've been eagerly anticipating your arrival," Misty greets him with determination in her eyes.

Ash smirks, replying, "It seems you're still trying to put on a tough act. Let's see if I can break through that façade."

"Don't underestimate me! Since our last encounter, I've been training hard and closely following all your battles," Misty retorts. "I'll prove to you why I'm the rightful Gym Leader of Cerulean City!"

Misty starts the battle with her Starmie, while Ash selects Sylveon as his Pokémon.

"You know, I could easily use a Bug-type Pokémon against you, but then it would defeat the purpose of why I wanted this battle," Ash comments. "You're still scared of Bug-types, aren't you?"

Misty gulps slightly but shakes her head. "I admit I still have some fear, but I've grown past the point of lashing out in anger just because a Bug-type Pokémon is involved. Now, Starmie, use Swift!"

Starmie releases a flurry of stars, aiming to strike Sylveon. Ash counters by commanding, "Sylveon, use Magical Leaf!"

Sylveon responds with the Grass-type attack, causing significant damage to Misty's Starmie. Misty shouts, "Starmie, Confuse Ray!"

Starmie unleashes a Confuse Ray, causing Sylveon to become disoriented. To Ash's surprise, Sylveon accidentally falls into the water.

"Sylveon, hang in there and use Light Screen!" Ash commands and Sylveon conjures a protective barrier to create a small platform, allowing her to stand on it and recover from her confusion. "Great job! Now, use Double Edge!"

Sylveon leaps from her platform and charges toward Starmie, dealing substantial damage. Reisa remarks, "Sylveon's Pixilate ability turned Double Edge into a powerful Fairy-type move."

Alice agrees, saying, "Ash is showing some impressive strategy."

Ash follows up with, "Finish off Starmie with Moonblast!"

Misty counters, "Don't give up, Starmie! Use Hyper Beam!"

The two attacks collide, but Moonblast overpowers Hyper Beam, landing a decisive blow on Starmie. Its red gem blinks five times before going dark, indicating that it's unable to continue the battle.

Misty then sends out Politoed and Psyduck, but both Pokémon ultimately fall to the power of Sylveon. Ash's strategy and skill prove to be victorious in this challenging battle. Misty recalls Psyduck, "This is the expected outcome. However, even though I might not be able to win against you, I will show you my full power. Misty calls Gyarados!" However, determined to showcase her full power, she calls upon her mighty Gyarados.

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