Chapter 7

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Gabby:Hey Hey 51
Brett:am I seeing things

Gabby:nope it's 100%me

Kelly: Long time no see  stranger

Gabby Hey Kelly one question where is Stella

Stella:Did someone say my name

everyone is catching up and Gabby realizes that Stella is wearing a Lieutenant shirt

Gabby: You have some explaining to do Lieutenant Kidd

Stella: Well it is Lieutenant Severide Actually

Gabby: hold up Kelly Severide got married

Kelly: Yap


Ambulance 61 Turk 81 Squad 3 House Fire

Stella: Gallo cover for me this shift Pelham will be here next shift

Gabby has this 🤨look on her face

Stella slid the ultrasound picture in front of Gabby

Gabby: OMG

Stella: yap

Gabby oo I am so happy for you too

Stella: Thank you

Gabby: sorry to change the subject but if you are Lieutenant on 81 where is Matt

Casey: Did someone say my name

Stella Casey this is a surprise

Casey: Ya Griffin wanted to come up here for a week or two to see some old friends

Stella: Cool

Casey: Where is everyone at

Stella is out on a call

Casey thought it was weird but thought nothing of it

everyone came back from the call

Kelly, There's my girl


Casey: Hey Kelly

Kelly: Did you tell him

Stella: No I was waiting for you

Casey Tell me what

Gabby walks in

Gabby Well there's Mr. Hansey

Kelly:haha funny Gabby

Casey: OK I am very confused

Kelly: How are you confused

Casey: Kelly did Gabby call me Mr. Hansey

no way

Stella: Yes way

Casey: omg, do you have a picture

Stella: ya

Stella grabs the ultrasound picture out of her pocket

Stella grabs the ultrasound picture out of her pocket

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Casey: know the way

Stella: yap

Casey pulls Stella in for a big hug

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