Chapter 14

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AN: This week has been a little bit chaotic, but thankfully I managed to get this chapter done. It was an interesting one and I needed the distraction, so that helped. But forgive me if it's not up to my usual standard. As for next week's update, I don't know. My father is in the hospital with an infection due entirely to a GP's incompetence. The next week is a little iffy right now. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading.


Chapter 14:

On a bed in the hospital of the Pocket Netherworld, Usalia laid perfectly still, even as she gasped for air, sweat beading across her brow and cheeks.

Gathered around the bed stood Killia and the others, feeling helpless and at a loss at what to do. Only Samuel stood close to Usalia's bedside, his hand over the injury site, constantly using Espoir in the desperate attempt to keep the venom isolated, and to stop it from attacking her vital organs.

"Samuel, can you help her?" Killia asked him desperately.

"I'm trying," Samuel returned, slightly breathless. "But Espoir isn't enough. It's not strong enough. There has to be another spell."

Another spell? Was there another spell beyond Espoir?

"K-Killia." Samuel stuttered for a moment before he purposely righted his posture, squaring his shoulders to maintain a stance of strength. "I'll keep her alive for as long as I can. Check the library. There has to be s-something there."


Majorita said Usalia had less than an hour left to live. So, time was ticking away. That wasn't enough time. How long could Samuel keep Usalia alive?

He would...he would do it for as long as necessary. No matter the cost to himself. He was...a martyr, after all.

Zeroken grabbed him by the elbow in an attempt to get his attention. "B-bro, if he keeps this up, we might lose Samuel, too."

Killia swallowed thickly and nodded, not trusting his voice. He squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to block out the low, violent hiss from his Other-Self.

He couldn't let both Usalia and Samuel die. He couldn't lose both of them. But he couldn't sacrifice one to save the other. The one he saved wouldn't forgive him. There had to be something he could do!

Damn it, Killia, think!

"Everyone, step back!"

Killia was greatly startled by Christo suddenly raising his voice. "What?"

"I just remembered an old spell that has been passed down through my family," Christo explained as he moved to stand on the other side of Usalia's bed. "One that goes beyond Espoir. I can save Usalia!"

Samuel looked across to Christo expectantly. "What should I-?"

"Stay there. One more Espoir as I get ready, please."


Christo turned his back toward the bed for a moment, seemingly taking a moment to prepare himself. Samuel stayed where he stood, dutifully uttering another Espoir spell to stem the venom from spreading. Killia stood back with the others but remained close regardless. And waited with bated breath for what Christo was to do.

Finally, he turned back toward the bed, his face set in determination.

He stepped closer toward the bed and raised his hands over Usalia as a bright, white light immersed him.

The others were surprised by the bright, shining light that Christo emitted, yet Killia wasn't. He had received healing from Christo before, and knew it was vastly different to those of the other healers.

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