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San's point of view

Without giving away too much Wooyoung and I excused ourselves for the night. I told Angel we were sorry but she shook her head giving us both hugs.

Angel: It's okay, whatever it is we'll get through. I'll see you guys at Thanksgiving.

Wooyoung and I say goodbye again before heading towards my place. We say nothing as the night air hangs between us. One sided love sucks, so I definitely know how he feels. However I haven't had the balls to actually tell Angel. Him telling Yeosang is courageous.

Apparently Yeosang said nothing, he just went to his room. The argument started when Wooyoung demanded to know why Yeosang was silent. Looking at it I get why Yeosang couldn't say anything at that moment but I also understand Wooyoung's pain.

Me: You know you can stay as long as you need.
Wooyoung: I don't want to inconvenience you and Seonghwa.
Me: Please, he's always working and when he isn't he's resting. He looks at you as a little brother too ya' know?
Wooyoung: Thanks man.

We walk down my street approaching the apartment building. There's a girl sitting on the ground bawling her eyes out. Wooyoung and I glance each other trying to walk by without disturbing her.

She looks up and my heart sinks.

Me: Hazel?

Her lip is bruised, there's a cut under her eye and her clothes are all scuffed and ripped up. I squat down pushing her hair out the way and there's also a light bruise on her cheek.

Me: Come on.

I help her off the ground, trying my best not to get mad when I notice she's also limping. What the fuck happened? The three of us make it inside my place. Seonghwa chuckles at something on the TV, but instantly stopping when he sees us.

Seonghwa: Holy shit is she okay?

I shake my head slowly.

He comes up to us introducing himself.

Seonghwa: I'm a nurse so I can help you with your bruises and cuts if you're comfortable with that.

Hazel saids nothing but squeezes onto the end of my shirt.

Me: I got it bro. Wooyoung can you grab me a pair of sweats and shirt from my room.
Wooyoung: Yeah no problem.

I lead Hazel to the bathroom.

Me: Can you hop on the counter for me?

She does so but winces in pain.

I pull her hair back into a ponytail. It hurts me to see her face like this, I grab the first aid kit out the cabinet. Good thing my mom insisted she make us one. Woo taps on the door holding the clothes.

I thank him before shutting the door back.

The cotton ball start to clean up the blood around her lip. I run the warm water for a sec getting the towel damp before patting her lips again.

Her eyes are distant, it's likes she's staring through me. I put the gauge bandaid under her eye.

Me: You're gonna' need a cold compress for the bruise on your cheek. I'll go get..-

She grabs my shirt keeping me in place.

Hazel: C-can you just stay here. For a little?
Me: Of course.


Angel's point of view

I'm a little worried.

Wooyoung and San wouldn't just leave a night out for something small. It must be serious. I trust that they'll tell me whenever they're ready.

Mingi: Sorry the night was kind of a bust.
Me: Are you kidding? I loved hearing you guys sing a whole new world.
Yunho: You liar!

I chuckle.

Me: I'm sure they had their reasons.
Mingi: I hope they're okay.

Me too.

Yunho: Let us walk you home.

The night still feels young but pajamas with hulu and ice cream don't sound too bad either. I check my phone but no update from San.

I squint as a boy comes walking towards us. He looks familiar, I gasp as I see the bruises all over his face.

Me: Your Hazel's brother! Are you okay?

He saids nothing as he walks pass us. I turn around going after him.

Mingi: Angel wait!

Jongho turns around and I slow down my steps.

Jongho: Do you know where she is?

I shake my head.

Me: No I don't, is everything okay?

He unclenches his jaw before nodding.

Me: Your face, do you need help?

He saids nothing before walking off again. I pull out my phone to text San, maybe he can get a hold of her.

Mingi: What happened?
Me: I'm not sure, he looks bad.
Yunho: I agree but his knuckles was just as bloody. That must've been some serious fight.

I hope Hazel is okay.


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