2.2 - Mae Lorenzo

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I stared numbly at the honey colored liquid in my shot glass before downing it all. Rooster and Trapper chatted on about something next to me as I half listened to their conversation. I was more invested in my own private thoughts at the moment. I glanced at the empty chair next to me and felt this overwhelming feeling of waiting. I felt as though I expected Rita to appear suddenly and slid in next to me, throwing one of her sarcastic comments that would get Trapper riled up. I waited patiently for her, but she didn't come. She wasn't going to come and I had to accept that. Our friend group was down one, and that couldn't be fixed. I had to move on.

I was yanked out of my thoughts when the chair was suddenly filled. Trapper and Rooster paused in their conversation as we all turned towards the stranger who joined our trio.

"Hi." The man smiled happily, glancing around between us all. Of course we knew that we would be stationed at a base that also housed the male airborne population. We also suspected that some of those men would probably want to relieve themselves through a stiff drink like us. We just didn't expect one to approach us. After months of training with only women, it was like we had this little bubble around us where men didn't exist.

"Uh hi." Rooster replied, flashing him a welcoming grin as she leaned in closer. She was always the friendliest and most extroverted of our group. I was convinced she could befriend a brick wall. Trapper, on the other hand, could start an argument with one.

"Who are you?" The blonde snapped, raising a suspicious brow at him.

"George Luz, ma'am. Saw you ladies had an extra seat and I wanted to introduce myself." He turned to me and I felt my own smile subconsciously grow due to his own contagious grin. "Hope you don't mind. No one is using this, right?"

"No, you're fine. Our usual friend isn't here tonight." Rooster told him. I could have sworn she was talking about Rita, yet she continued on, "She prefers a good nights sleep to fun."

No, Rooster was talking about Speedy. Was I the only one who even acknowledged Rita's absence?

"What? And miss out on all this?" 'George' asked as he motioned towards the men and women who bustled around the bar. There were locals and soldiers alike all talking, drinking, and laughing. The soldiers were balled up in certain designated groups. Some were sitting together, others were getting drinks, and a few playing darts. As I observed the population, I noticed that out of all the women we were the only ones in uniforms.

"I know, right?" Rooster chuckled taking a sip of her beer. "I'm Rebecca, this here is Cora and Mae." I gave the man a small wave as Cora looked at him rather unimpressed. George smiled brightly non the less.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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