Ch 26 - Brooks

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"What's got you smiling so big, son?"

I bit my lip to stop grinning like an idiot as I leaned against the front desk next to Jenkins. It had been almost two weeks since Cam and I officially got together, and after we got past her initial fears — and the culture shock of endlessly uninterrupted time together — we'd both been on cloud nine.

I told the doorman as much in not so many words, and the corner of his eyes wrinkled before the sly smile ever touched his lips. "I had a feeling that's how it would turn out. You both came and talked to me, shared the same concerns. It seemed like your minds were a good match."

I nodded in agreement. "Cam said you all but admitted you were rooting for me. Found that damn journal you told me to get out of my head with, and suddenly all my cards were on the table."

"I think the words you're looking for are 'thank you,'" he chuckled. "But I must say I'm happy for you... and I truly do hope Luca can forgive you both once the anger passes."

My smile faded as I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. "I still haven't seen him. Even getting a text back has been like pulling teeth."

"I wish I could help, but it's been about the same for me," the doorman explained. "He keeps coming and going at odd times, and he never says much more than 'hello' or 'goodbye' these days."

"His gym's open 24 hours — maybe that's where he keeps disappearing to," I said with a shrug. "Always says the movement makes his mind shut up."

"Well, perhaps we should ask him," Jenkins mumbled, peering over my shoulder.

My eyes snapped to the front door, where Luca was walking in with his head down. The hair peeking out from the front of his hood was as messy as ever, and I took that as confirmation that my gym theory was right. In hindsight, though, Jenkins' next words should've been a clue about where he'd been spending all his time.

"Long night, lad?"

"Something like that," Luca replied, typing away on his phone. When his eyes finally drifted up to see me, they nearly rolled right out of his head. "Did you guys set this up? Decide I need an intervention or some shit?"

I took a deep breath. "Come on, Luca. We can't keep doing this."

"That sounds like a yes," he replied sharply.

"How the hell was I supposed to know you'd walk in here at 10:00 AM on a Friday? You're usually at work right now."

"Took a few days off," he muttered, brushing past me and heading for the elevator. "Couldn't concentrate on anything."

Well damn.

After a moment of shock at the brusque interaction, I jogged after him. "Wait, man. Talk to me."

The silver doors slid closed in front of our faces, but not before Jenkins gave us both an encouraging nod from his spot across the room. With the way Luca was acting, I wasn't quite sure if I was about to get stonewalled or punched, and part of me wished the old man would've scurried in after us to play mediator.

Thankfully, my neighbor settled for a regular ol' conversation.

"I don't know what you want me to say, Brooks," he started as we jolted upward. "She chose you; you chose her; nobody chose me. I've been going through that shit my whole life, and it fucking sucks, alright?"

"I don't think it's fair to say that I didn't choose you."

"I do," he argued.

"Luca, be real about this." I looked over at him while he stared straight ahead, waiting to burst through the doors like a fervent horse in a derby race. "I've reached out every few days, whether you respond to me or not. The only reason I haven't come knocking is because I'm trying to give you space. And even at the very beginning of this mess, I talked to you before I ever pursued anything with Cam."

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