Ch 1: Someone who was never there but knows

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(Writer's note: this will take places some where Overwatch's recall comes out and everyone gets call in But, Cole Cassidy since he never join overwatch.)

This was getting bad Ana had been shot in leg and been bleeding out. She was trying to get more information about Talon but had been found out. She was able to get some information but, she got hurt in the process.

Ana takes out her gun and fires it at the Talon scout five hours ago.

"I'm down, but I'm hurt badly." Ana whisper on comm.

"Give me six minutes,I'm on my way, just hold on!" Genji calls out.
"Half way there!"

Ana did have six minutes cause she left a blood trail right to her.

"I don't have have many shots left plus I can barely move. Plus I don't think Six minutes is enough for me." Ana said to herself.

Ana look at the Talon soldiers rushing at her. Ana quick move but, was stop by her leg, she quick look at one of the soliders who point his gun at her head.

"I guess this is it for me.... Fareeha I'm sorry." Ana whisper to herself as she close her eyes and waits death.

Suddenly she hear guns shots along with a lot of screaming. She open her eyes and saw the Talon soldiers body part all scattered around her along with gun shots wounds to the head.

"What the hell.... W.. who could have done this?" Ana question.

"I did this ma'am." A voice answer.

Ana turn around and saw a men with all black on with a cowboy hat along with a robotic leg arm.

"Who.... Who are you?" Ana asked.

"I'm Cole Cassidy, nice to meet you Ana Amari." Cole answer as he smiles and takes puff of his cigar.

Ana didn't have time to ask an other question cause she started to close her eyes and pass out from blood lose but, right when she was about to hit the ground Cole catchs her with his leg hand.

"Good lord." Cole saids as he picks her up and Carrys her.

Cole and Ana made it to a rooftop of one of Talons bases. Cole know he can't stand here with her so he gently puts down on the ground and he takes out a flare gun then fires up into the air. When he does that he see a drop ship coming to him slowly but fast. He takes one more look at Ana.

"We see each other again." Cole says as he walks back down stairs and out of sight.

The drop ship and landed on the rooftop in front of Ana and it's doors open.

"Mom!!" Fareeha yells as she runs to her mother.

"Is she okay?! Check her pulse?!" Genji said as he saw Ana's leg bleeding.

Fareeha checks Ana's pulse she takes a deep breath and sighs.

"She alive but, we have to get her to mercy now." Fareeha says herself and Genji picks up Ana.

Once all the of them are on the drop ship the doors closed and they take off into the sky then back to HQ of overwatch.

Once back at HQ Ana is rushing to the emergency room where she is taken care of by Mercy. While Fareeha and Genji are waiting for her to be ok.

"Okay I have a question, how did she get on the roof with those injuries?" Genji asked.

"I don't know but, I think someone saved her and put her there." Fareeha answer.

"If that's the case why did that person just leave her there without us seeing who they were?" Genji asked himself.

"Hey, if I see whoever did it, I will thank him or her doesn't matter." Fareeha said as she see her two others friends come to her and Genji.

"We heard about what happened. Is Mrs. Amari going to be ok?" Mei asked.

Fareeha smiled.

"She is my mom so she should be fine." Fareeha answer.

"She is a strong woman I'm sure she will prevail." Hanzo said with his arm crossed.

-To elsewhere-

"That's was risky boss to save that old women like that." A voice says.

"I know, however I couldn't like that old woman die like that." Cole saids as he opens a door and walks through it.

The person walks behind in after him.

"I mean I think your nice personality is going to get you killed one." The voice said.

"Oh, then I should have let you die right?" Cole asked.

The person scratch their neck.

"No, I mean your right but, just be careful next time." The voice says.

"Always am." Cole answer.

-Back at Overwatch HQ-

Ana had just finished recovery and was in a room with her daughter, Genji, Hanzo and Solider 76.

"I'm happy that your feeling better mom." Fareeha said.

"Thank you dear, I'm happy that I'm good as well." Ana said.

"Ana what happened there?" Solider 76 asked.

"I.. was found out but, I had gotten some information about what they been working on jack." Ana said as she move a bit.

"That's good I guess but, how did you ended up on the rooftop?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, but before I past out I was saved by this man.... His name was Cole Cassidy." Ana said as she fully remembers.

"Cole Cassidy," Jack says. "why does that name sound familiar..."

"Well regardless he saved myself so I thanked him for it when I see him again maybe one day." Ana said

"He does sound all that great," Fareeha says. What's did he even do?"

"Well.... Before I past out I saw him took to what it looked like 6 people at once with no problem." Ana said shocking the 4 people.

"That's impossible mom." Fareeha said as her mom shook her head.

"That's what I thought but, I saw it first hand." Ana said.

"Well whoever this Cole Cassidy is I sure don't want to make him my enemy." Hanzo said.

The room door opens and everyone see mercy coming.

"I must say that your quite lucky Ana. But your ready just yet to get out of here, will have to stay here for two more days until you are 100% feeling better just to be safe." Mercy said.

Ana sighs and nods her head.

-To Cole Cassidy-

Cole is in his office just looking out of his window, Cole looking at the Soliders training.
Cole then hears a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Cole exclaims

The doors open to show a woman with black hair in a bun, she was wearing a black long sleeve shirt along with black pants. Lastly she has a purple scarf.

"It's time for your meeting sir." The woman said.

"Right, I'm coming," Cole says as he walking to the door and opens it.

The woman closed it behind them and walks with him. They both reach an elevator and both gets inside and Cole push the bottom floor level.

"Sir I--

"I'm fine Wraith, just fine..." Cole said.

-To Be Continued-

Cole Cassidy: The Unknown Where stories live. Discover now