14 2 70

"Dᴇᴠɪʟ ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ"
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"No! Who the fuck was she?! And how dare her insult me like that?!! Do I look like a kid, huh?!!" The youngster's voice rang in the spacious hotel room, the thick walls being the only reason why their room was still not crowded by complaining people who were also staying at the same hotel.

"Taehyung!" The whiny man wailed again, finally snapping the zoning out elder out of the daze.

"Jungkook this ain't the right time for you to throw tantrums like a fucking 6 years old who doesn't even know how to spell geography correctly!" Was what Jimin said in responce, his eyes still not leaving the laptop that sat straight on his lap while his fingers ran on the keyboard as if his apartment rent was due.

"What are you even-" Jungkook tried to say something in defence but was interrupted,

"Shut your whiny ass kid!!" By a not-so-pleased Jimin.

"But Jimin seriously, what are you doing?" Questioned Taehyung, his voice sounding deep as ever.

"Trying to dig in a little about that masked lady we met." Said Jimin and Taehyung let out a small 'ah' of acknowledgement.

"But how are you doing so when we don't know shit about her?" Taehyung quizzed again, earning a small 'hm?' of curiosity from Jungkook as well.

"She had this little-" Jimin was cut off midway through his sentence when he felt something vibrate below him.




"Welcome to the devil's dungeon, Taeseok!" Stated the woman before her balled fist collided against the said man's jaw, almost knocking him off.

"Bring in that punk, Min!" Called out her deep voice and an older female entered their eyesight, her palm fisted to grab the hair of the man the tortured earlier.

The woman as she walked towards the leader, dragged the bloody man by his hair, leaving behind a trail of thick blood that painted the tiled surface of the enormous basement.

The woman yanked the man forward by his hair when she finally made it to the leaders spot.

"Say hello to your colleague Namho!" The woman called the worn out man as the other male just gawked at the sight.

That beaten man infront of him was the right hand of his boss and also one of the few most feared people in the city of Seoul.

Taeseok felt a sudden shudder run down his spine as he eyed the bloodied man in horror.

And the next moment, his trembling gaze was met with her's, and he swore his soul almost left his body when he saw her brown eyes tainting a faint scarlet for a split of a second.

She indeed was the devil in the skin of the woman they call The Queen.

"Spill each and every word you know or I swear, I won't be the one talking. Instead it'll be my knife and my revolver that I'll quite literally shove up your ass and pull the trigger!"


"Any intel recived from them?" Boomed the voice of an impatient and pissed man as he aimlessly marched back and forth in the intelligence office.

"No sir! We don't even know if they're still alive and breathing!" The female, sitting infront of the bright monitor said with the same intensity, her eyes still fixated on the screen while her fingers mercilessly crushed the keys under them.

"Then try to regain the fucking connection! We can't just sit and  let them die!" The man sounded quite impatient when he said so.

"We're continuously trying sir, but it seems like all the devices they had have been destroyed."
The female's voice held disappointment when those words rolled out of her lips.

The people they were talking about were the ones very important to them.

"Sir, what do you plan on doing?" The woman asked, sounding a bit hopeful for once.

"Getting back our colleagues while they're still safe and sound!"


"Jeon, what did the bitch say?" Is what the firm voice asked while the others in the room eyed the mentioned female.

"Nothing. She said nothing. I tried everything but she seems too determined to spill the fucking info." Seyeon sounded quite disappointed in herself when she said so.

Letting out a deep sigh, the leader once again spoke up.

"Well, Park what did find about her?" She quizzed again and all eyes were now on Minji.

"Nothing Kim, literally nothing." Said a confused Minji and the leader furrowed her eyebrows as if suddenly in some deep thoughts.

"By how loyal she is and the looks of the devices we found within her, it doesn't seem like she's from our line of work, but then again, we don't have any solid evidence of her not being involved with the underworld or any mafia gang." Sohee shared her thoughts.

"Seyeon, torture her for few more days. If that still doesn't work, use her brother as a bait. Just don't harm him for real. I'm not sure if she's from this field or not but what I do know is that she could have the intel about something very confidential and that in some ways could related to us. That was the reason why she was sent to us in the first place, right. And Jeon, I want you to keep her alive at any cost. Do not kill her. We need her breathing if she has any info on whatever the fuck is going on." Commanded the leader and nodded the rest.

"Try digging some more about the girl, Park. I think she's somehow a part of something big and we need to know about that big thing." Minji once again shook her head up and down.

"Looks like the bastards out there are enjoying the freedom way too much. Gotta remind them, who's the one in control."

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Here comes another shitty chapter of my favourite book. Idk if what i wrote makes sense to u rn but i promise it'll all make a lot more sense once u read the further chapters.

Hope y'all like this little update.

This was 1012 words btw.

And vote or Oli London will kiss u in your dream tonight.


Love y'all
Take care


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