7:Meeting My Mates

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Bella pov

While we were in the private jet, I could feel the secretary looking at me, I turned to her as she look at me with jealousy. "Yes?," I asked. "Who are u?," she asked disrespectly. Then everyone growled at her, as she coward away still looking at me.

I smiled at her, "My where are my manners, My name is Isabella Marie Swan Volturi daughter of King Marcus and Queen Didyme Volturi as well as the niece of Aro Volturi and Caius Volturi, and younger sibling of the ELite Guards Jane, Alec, Demetri, and Felix Volturi. A pleasure to make ur acquintance," I said introducing myself.

The secrectary looked at me shocked and bowed, "I'm sorry princess for me being rude," she plead. "Oh it's quite alright, u weren't the only one to disrespect me in a way. Not to mention u seem to be troubled by something," I said. The woman before me stiffens, "My life was not great and I wanted a new start and I'm back in a dangerous life again and I let my fear and anger get the best of me. I'm very sorry," she said.

"Well then alright, what is ur name?," I asked. She looked at me and said, "my name is Serena, m'lady," she said. I hummed and brought Serena on my lap and put her head onto my shoulders and caress her head, "There is no need to hold in ur emotions darling, let it all out," I said.

As those words hit Serena she cried into my neck and chest wrapping her arms around my waist, as I sway side to side to say reassuring words to her. As Serena sleeps I then get sucked in a vision, my 1st vision.

"Mate," a man said, "So beautiful," the woman said as we share a kiss and then I kissed the other who said mate to me. My mouth gap and I closed it very quickly as I was finally happy to have mates.

-Forward to Volterra Castle-

Once we land I was still holding Serena in my arms and used my vampire speed to put her in the rooms where the maids, servants, and other secrectary that used to sleep here in the dormitories. As I put her on the bed I made sure to close the dorr softly to not make a sound. I just hope people don't attack me.

I have been switching from human to vampire, as doing that it caused my body to be a 14 year old body almost close to a child's height. I was walking to the thrown room and I walked to papa and sat on his lap with my head on his left shoulder as mama sat on my lap. I was enjoying myself, until I smelled 2 beautiful scent.

I purred, "mates" I said. Everyone looked at me shocked as I faced my eyes to the door as everyone face it as two guards came in rushing. "Masters, there is trouble. Since u have left we got many reports newborn army is closing in on the boarder of Volterra almost surrounding the entire city," the woman said with beautiful brown silk hair, with her rosy cheeks, as well as having a heart like face and a pouty lips.

"We'll be fine," I said as everyone turn there face to me, I blinked as my eyes glow with red, I could here gasp, but I ignored it. '"We need to strike this is taking too long," The man said angerly who is named Oscar, with red hair, masucline body, and a cloak of some sort. "I know but we need to wait they will need help for this and I can't wait who they want to help them," The man said who is named William with white hair, slim body, and also wearing a cloak. "But for now we mean to train these darn dunderheads to shape and orders they need to follow we strike in 4 weeks," William instrudcted.'

I then blinked as my eyes went normal, "Yep, we need the Cullens and the Denalis for this, we will also need the Egyptians, and a man named Garrett. We have 3 weeks and a half to train so we must start training. We will meet the names of Oscar and William on the clearing fields up close to the mountain behind the castle," I said.

I turned to face my mates, "Hello, my name is Isabella Marie Swan Volturi, I'm the daughter of Marcus and Didyme, the niece to Aro, Sulicipia, Athenodora and Caius, as well as the sibling to the Elite guards," I said with a small smile. I turned my head to mama as she wrapped me in her arms.

"Accept them my darling," she said to me, "But why would anyone want me as their mate, I mean look at me mama I'm close to child like height and even though I could turn human and back to vampire I'm still an immortal child," I said as emotions left into my words.

My mates growled and said, "U are perfect, Immortal child or not, u are ours," as they took me from mama kissing my forehead, cheeks, neck, ears, and temple as they embraced me, "My name is Matteo and this is Amelia," he said. 

I smiled as my mates smiled back with awe in their eyes and the happiness that sway through the throne room to the entire castle. My mates and I were to busy looking at each other not looking to see shocked and awe expressions on everyone's face at the engery and aura displaying in their presents.

My mates and I left to my room that I found when I was exploring the castle and while taking Serena to her dorm room. As I went in I went a head and said something they were shocked to hear. "I would like to know u first before we become official, I really want to mae this work and I don't know a thing about being a couple, are anything really," I ramble.

I didn't know I was rambling on and on until I hear no one talking I look at Matteo and Amelia were looking at me with adoration, I looked down, "sorry" I said shyly, they chuckled at me and let me tell you, it was a beautiful thing to hear in all my years of immortal life.

Both agreed and gave me a kiss on my temple and cheek making me giggled at the tingling feeling I felt.

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