8:The End of the Newborn Army

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Bella pov

It has been 3 weeks already and all of my coven and the Cullens along with the Denalis, Garrett, and the Egyptians coven joined us to finish the newborn army as they could reveal our kind. The mind read couldn't even read any of my family's mind to know who I am as Papa(Marcus) and Uncle Aro and Uncle Caius were to announced it.

They all congrats us but almost think I was an immortal child but I explained to them that I'm like this as my mother is the same height as me as my bio father was at the height of 5'6 so I took my mother's height.

(I made Bella short as well as Renee so in this story both are short while everyone is taller than them)

We were in the clearing between the mountains and the castle, "U know to think u guys have the guts to actually to do this knowing the consequences," I said chuckling, "It is so funny knowing that u will die," I added as the newborn army in front of us show in sight as they looked at me angerly.

I smirked as I used Janes gift as they scream, "Jane" Uncle Aro said, "It's not me, it's Bells," Jane said looking at me so did everyone else. I then spread Jane's gift through the area but made sure that no one on our side is hurt.

Everyone newborn that was far or close end up being in pain as everyone still looking at me. I was still smirking, "Did u really think u could go against us, I have more than one gift some of u are hields yes, but ur shields are weak," I teased.

Uncle Aro then moved his arms front as everyone in the Volturi and me moved on to the battle field to behead the newborns. Cullens and their friends also joined in, as the newborn army going on I realize I lost my control and they began to move there was only 30 left.

I then went and stand with Papa, Mama, and my Aunties and Uncles, I was then sucked into a vision as I feel my mates by my side catching me as I was going down slowly.

"We need to move and kill the Kings and Queens along with their daughter Vladimir," Stefan growled, "Fine but if this does not work out it was a great honor to have u by my side," Vladimir said as both is heading out.

I then go out of the vision and sense Vladimir and Stefan coming at me as everyone tried to rush to us. I did a cartwheel in the air I then place my hand on Stefan's head as I slam it to the floor and I did a german suplex on Vladimir.

I then rip Vladimir's head as my mates ripped Stefan's head and burned them.

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