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"So you got yourself a girlfriend, because you don't know how to deal with your stepbrother?" Felix asked again. The two were sitting in the cafeteria and eating their lunch.
Chan had told Sana, that he didn't want to make their realationship official, only when he was sure that he loved her and he knew that this would never happen.

"This is the most stupid thing I ever hear of. And I thought that I couldn't be more surprised after what Hyunjin pulled." Chan lifted an eyebrow and Felix hit his head on the table.

"With what did the stick surprise you? His dick?" Felix threw his beanie at Chan.

"No! It's nothing."

"And I thought that no one could lie worse than me, I know that I guessed wrong." Felix rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything about Hyunjin anymore.

"Can you look after my bag, I'm just going to the bathroom."

When Chan was washing his hands, the door opened again. Just a normal student, Chan thought. But instead of going to the toilets, the person stayed behind Chan.

"So you got yourself a girlfriend." It was Jeongin, who else would follow him to the bathroom.

"Are you, jeleous?" Jeongin just shook his head and came closer to Chan.

"Not in the slightest. I know that Felix gave you a few weeks ago her letter and now you use her to forget me!" Chan's eyes widened.
How did that little beast knew everything?

He turned around and was met with a smiling Jeongin. But instead of saying something, the younger grabbed Chan by his neck and slammed him against the wall.
His face was again so close to Chan, that the blonde couldn't resist on looking at his stepbrothers lips. The thin lips looked so kissable at the moment, Chan wanted to kiss him again.

"Does the big Baby wants a kiss now?" Jeongin said in a mocking tone and pressed his tigh between Chan's legs and pressed it against his clothed dick. The older tried to get Jeongin to put the leg away, but the younger just started to move his leg, making Chan gasp. He had never done this and it felt wonderful.

"Already cheating on your girlfriend I see." Jeongin let go of Chan and took a few steps back.

"Admit it. You two aren't together and you did it out of pity."

"No. She isn't a whore like you and a person who would like my personality and not my body. She doesn't let herself go and is so sweet. At least nothing used and cheap like you.
For how much would you fuck someone out of my grade? Right for free." Chan couldn't stop shouting. He was so fed up with Jeongin's behaviour.
The younger tried to speak and stepped a bit closer, but Chan interrupted him.

"Don't you dare to come one step closer. I don't know what you see in me, but we are fucking brothers and I will never let you touch me again with your filthy hands that touched every guys dick in this school."
Something in Jeongin started to hurt. Not a physical pain that could be healed with medication. His heart started creaking.

Again he tried to talk, but Chan had enough. When Jeongin opened his mouth, he slapped him. Jeongin stumbled back by the force of the hit.

As he looked in the mirror, a big red handprint was already forming on his left check.

His Heart felt like it was going to burst any second.

"Never, NEVER, in this life try to do this shit again. Be happy that I can't throw you out!"

His Heart bursted. His lip started to tremble and he begged that Chan would finally go out. This wasn't the boy he kissed a few days ago.

Finally Chan left with a last glare and Jeongin broke down. He didn't care if anyone would find him. They'd just call Hyunjin and would let him alone to suffer.

Suddenly the realisation hit him...

He had just lost the only person that had brightened his life. Because of Chan his life had felt alive. Every advice the older gave him had helped him.

When Chan had decided to go back to Sydney, Jeongin feared that Chan would stay there and just leave him. He would make new friends that he wanted to spend time with and not his little stepbrother.
So he let himself go.

One night he and Hyunjin were at a party and got drunk, ending up in the bed. Jeongin loved the pleasure. It drowned all the negative voices for some time.
Better than any drug could. It was free and there were so much different things to experience. Just like a drug, only in better and healthier for his body.

While Chan was gone Jeongin started to need something that would drown his negative thoughts. And just like a drug, he needed more of it.
From once a week and with only Hyunjin to nearly once a day with some guy from school or some hot girl at a bar that needed to get the fuck of her life.

This all happened when Chan wasn't there and when he came back, he had found new friends and could convince one of them to move to Korea.
As Jeongin predicted, Chan started to hang out more with the other aussi guy and forgot about him. Or was it because of his nearly daily fucks?

For some time he didn't care about this. Then he started to search the mistake on him and he found to many. He figured out that he liked Chan more than a brother.
At the beginning he was disgusted, just like Chan now, but he accepted it. He knew that he couldn't ignore his feelings. They would only get worse and he would completely obsess over Chan and then the older would be even more disgusted from him, if that was even possible.

Then his body. Everything was a mistake on him. He heard how some girls in the school talked over his ugly resting face. So he tried to smile more, flirt more or just talk more. So his lips wouldn't rest and would make his face look more like som monster.
Then his light brown hair. It just didn't suit him. So he dyed it black, not caring of anyone complained. It was his hair and if he wanted it black then no one would have something to do in his business.

After he fixed the mistakes on his body he looked at his personality.
There wasn't a personality anymore to be true. The only love he got was from his brother and Chan had left him. Their parents were rarely there, when it was much, once a month otherwise only at special days like their birthdays. But Jeongin didn't celebrate his birthday since he didn't want ro be reminded that he got older.
For every person he had a personality. No one knew the real Jeongin anymore. Chan once knew him, but this wasn't the Jeongin from now anymore.
Only Hyunjin had some pieces of the puzzles, since he was the only one that helped him during his breakdowns.


Suddenly the door opened and Jeongin looked up with his tear stained face.
Hyunjin was standing there and he looked worried at him.

"Did Chan reject you?" Jeongin nodded and spread his arms. Without complaining Hyunjin picked the younger up and placed him on the sink.

"He hated me and will never understand me. Even I can't understand myself." Hyunjin just shook his head and whiped the tear stains away.

"No. He will understand. You just need to find the right time and tell him everything you went through. He can only understand you if you open up to him.
Maybe you can understand yourself better if you talk about your feelings.

I can't help you Innie. I can only give you advices in what I would do if I was in your situation. Please go talk to him." Jeongin nodded and jumped down from the sink.

He just had a hour of history, not necessary, so he and Hyunjin went home early. For their first time they weren't sleeping together when they arrived at the house. Just talking.

Poor Innie. I didn't plan this on my first time plotting this book, but well... kinda the best explaination for Jeongins attitude.

Second chap will be up soon

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