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Weeks went by and everything went back to normal. Jeongin fucking around (mostly with Hyunjin), Felix being sad whenever he saw Hyunjin with Jeongin, and Chan being annoyed from everything.

But something was off. Chan had noticed that his brother was annoying him even more with bad jokes about sex or sudden touches. 

Sometimes when they were eating together and Jeongin sat next to him, he'd let something drop. And while slowly lifting it up, he'd take a quick peak at his ass more than normal or touch Chan's thighs as he stood up.

It was weird and Felix also couldn't quite figure it out. When Chan had told him everything, he'd tell him that Jeongin probably just wanted to fuck him but Chan didn't want to believe it, so he dismissed the topic. Since then, he didn't talk about it anymore.


Today, one of Chan's friends - Changbin - was throwing a party. Many people were invited but Chan didn't want to go, so Felix had to force him to go.

Now, the two were standing in front of the huge mansion. Changbin's family was very rich and they allowed their son to do everything he wanted, such as, throwing a random party without any reason.

The loud music could be heard from a few meters away. Whilst people laid drunk in the garden, some were already vomiting.

"Come on, it's going to be fun." Felix pushed him towards the open door.

"Yeah, fun watching my brother going to different rooms with different people and having sex with them." Chan said sarcastically.

"Then don't look. Have some fun and stop thinking about your brother!" Felix pushed him into the mansion. The loud music instantly greeted them as they stepped in, watching as people go crazy on the dance floor.

"I didn't think that you'd show up." Changbin stood in front of them and pushed two cups with clear liquid onto their hands.

"I also didn't think that I would be here today." Chan sent a silent glare towards Felix, but the other didn't seem to care and took a sip out of his drink.

"Don't look at me like this. You need to come out of your room, not only for me and school."

"Do you want to dance for a bit or come with me? Me and some other people from our school are playing truth or dare, not the child edition." Felix nodded and pulled Chan along with him, not even bothering to ask.

Changbin brought them to a room that was further away from the loud music. A group of eight people were sitting on the ground and talking to each other. 

Chan took a moment to observe the people around him, two immediately sticking out.

Jeongin and Hyunjin.

The moment Chan saw the two, he instantly wanted to go before they saw him; but it was already too late when Felix pushed him to the others. This only drew their attention to him, causing Jeongin to smirk when he saw his older stepbrother.

Changbin placed an empty bottle on the ground before informing them to make a circle.

Chan could now have a better look at the other faces, and he was able to notice most of them. Seungmin, Jisung and Yeonjun were all Felix's friends and they were also the ones who had helped him adjust when coming to Korea. 

The others were Minho, Jungkook and Hongjoon, all of the people that Chan knew. Jeongin probably had some of them in his ass, but Chan tried to ban such thoughts out of his head. 

All of them were nice people and probably not completely straight. Chan had noticed that Minho would often be with Jisung, he even once had a hickey but he hadn't been at a club during night.
The others weren't the kind of people who'd tell everyone the newest tea or create rumours.

"Well, let's play. The rules are easy: if you don't want to do truth, take one shot and if you don't want to do dare, take two shots." Changbin told them and then spun the bottle, before soon landing on Jungkook.

"Dare." Minho raised his hand first.

"Make out with the hottest person in the room." Jungkook was a bit taken aback by this but nonetheless, only looked around in the room.

"Oh, and everything stays in this room. No one besides us gets to hear that one of us kissed a boy or something." Changbin suddenly threw in, making everyone nod in agreement. 

Jungkook then sighed in relief and stood up. Everyone already knew who he was going to kiss, and they were right when he went over to Jeongin to make out.

The game then continued, where Chan mostly picked truth.

"Dare." Hyunjin said out loud when the bottle pointed at him. Chan raised his hand first.

"I dare you to play 7 minutes with anyone in the room besides Jeongin." Hyunjin gulped in response. He had never slept with anyone else apart from Jeongin. 

The black haired patted Hyunjin's back and pushed him up. Hyunjin was just standing in the centre of the circle, silently chewing his lips.

While many people looked at Hyunjin, secretly hoping that he'd pick them, Felix only looked away in order to avoid possible eye contact with Hyunjin.

After thinking for some time, he slowly approached Felix and held a hand out without saying anything. Felix hesitantly took his hand while giving Chan his cup.

"Can I spin the bottle before we go?" Hyunjin asked, before spinning the bottle after getting approval from Changbin. It then landed on Jeongin who picked dare like always.

"I dare you to kiss Chan using tongue!" And with that, he hurriedly stormed out of the room while pulling Felix with him. The younger didn't know whether this was a weird dream or reality.

Chan was speechless. He should kiss his brother. His brother that he'd known for 12 years.

Jeongin, on the other hand, didn't think too much of it. It was only a kiss, it wasn't like they were fucking like Hyunlix was. So, he stood up without hesitation and kneeled down in front of his stepbrother.

"Look at me, if you stop being a pussy then we can get this over with faster." Chan didn't reply and still looked away. That was when Jeongin had enough, and took Chan's face in his hands before leaning in and pressing their lips together.

Chan's eyes immediately widened, attempting to turn away; however, much to his dismay, it was futile. Jeongin was holding his face with both hands so he had no choice but to endure the kiss.

Jeongin's lips parted before soon licking over his lips, signalling Chan to open his mouth so that he could fulfil his dare. As Chan finally opened his mouth, Jeongin then slid his tongue in.

"I think that's enough." Hongjoon abruptly broke the silence with a red face. Chan immediately pushed Jeongin away and wiped his mouth. 

Now he understood the guys. Jeongin's lips were addicting, he knew that this situation was so wrong but his heart wanted another kiss from him.

Luckily, his brain took over and smacked the dumb idea out of him. Jeongin was already spinning the bottle and had Jisung sit on Minho's lap for the rest of the game.

It was already very late and Chan wanted to go home, but he didn't want to leave Felix alone. The younger hadn't been seen again since he and Hyunjin disappeared for 7 minutes in heaven, more like 7 hours.

"Hyung, can you take me home? I can't seem to find Hyunjin anywhere." Jeongin asked his stepbrother, giving him irresistible puppy eyes.

"You're lucky. I can't seem to find Felix too, so it won't be a problem." Chan hadn't drunk much and the pathway to their house doesn't take long, so he decided to drive. 

He lastly asked Changbin whether he could send Hyunjin and Felix back home when he sees them. After that, they drove home.

The next part will be uploaded next Friday

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