Chapter 1: Confession of a bad boy manga artist

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Miyamoto Sengoku packed up his things and got ready to go home. He was in his third year of high school and had two friends in his class. Taro had already gone home and told her to be careful. Rika told her childhood friend that he should not hold back, and she reminded the teenager of his feelings towards their popular classmate. The teenager realized that he forgot something on his desk and went back to get it. Miyamoto went to go back, and he met the girl he had feelings for. Ren Sakura knew something was different about the teenager and tried relentlessly to talk to him. Miyamoto picked up his pencil case and dropped his bag on the floor. Ren noticed multiple pages fall to the floor and stared at them.

"Is this the manga: Popular Girl Princess and Bad Boy prince?" Ren asked.

"Please don't make fun of me." Miyamoto said.

Ren said that she always wanted to be friends with him, but she was too scared. Ren noticed that a character had similar qualities to her. Hori Hasekura was a sweet girl, and she always kept her friends close to her.

Miyamoto stated that the character was his blank slate. Ren and Miyamoto had feelings for each other but did not want their secrets to get out. Miyamoto decided to act on these feelings and took a deep breath.

Miyamoto confessed to his popular classmate and made her blush in embarrassment. Ren struggled with this sudden confession and knew that she should not hide her feelings from him. Ren admitted that she felt the same way about him. This is where the story of their relationship began.

Ren was completely new to the concept of boyfriends and girlfriends. She had never been in any kind of romantic relationship, and she was worried.

These nervous teenagers became boyfriend and girlfriend. They decided to take their relationship one step at a time and held hands as they walked home. Miyamoto slept and woke up in his dream world. He met his younger self, and they started talking. The younger Miyamoto could see that things were different, and his older counterpart finally had a girlfriend. The younger Miyamoto congratulated his older counterpart, and they finally resolved their internal conflict.

The younger Miyamoto remembered that summer vacation was coming up and his older counterpart would be able to spend the vacation with his stunning and popular girlfriend. The older Miyamoto greeted his younger counterpart, and the teenager woke up. He thought that his dream was strange, and he thought about the things that he could do with his girlfriend.

Miyamoto got ready for school and put on his uniform. He also put a ring on each finger and his silver necklace. The teenager greeted his parents and walked out the door. Miyamoto started walking towards the school when he suddenly heard the soothing voice of his girlfriend.

Ren hugged his arm, and the other male students became incredibly jealous. This teenage couple walked around the room and Miyamoto sat down. Ren noticed multiple earrings in her boyfriend's ears and thought they looked cute. This comment made her boyfriend extremely embarrassed.

As they sat down in their classroom, Ren couldn't help but tease Miyamoto about his earrings. "You know, I never knew you were into piercings. You're full of surprises, aren't you?" Miyamoto's face turned bright red as he tried to hide his embarrassment.

The other students in the class couldn't help but stare at the couple, especially the guys who had secretly harboured feelings for Ren. Taro and Rika, Miyamoto's friends, were grinning from ear to ear, happy to see their friend finally happy.

Ren, on the other hand, was enjoying the attention. She had never been one to shy away from the spotlight, and now that she had a boyfriend, she felt like she was on top of the world. She leaned in close to Miyamoto and whispered, "I think I'm going to enjoy this whole 'being in a relationship' thing."

Miyamoto chuckled and whispered back, "I think I'm going to enjoy it too."

As the day went on, Ren and Miyamoto couldn't help but steal glances at each other. They were both trying to focus on their schoolwork, but it was hard to concentrate when they were sitting next to each other.

At lunchtime, Ren and Miyamoto decided to sit together in the courtyard. They sat on a bench, surrounded by blooming flowers and the sounds of birds chirping. Ren pulled out a sandwich and some fruit from her bag and offered some to Miyamoto.

As they ate, they talked about their plans for the summer vacation. Ren wanted to go to the beach, while Miyamoto wanted to visit an anime convention. They both laughed and joked, enjoying each other's company.

After lunch, they walked back to their classroom, holding hands and giggling like fools. The other students couldn't help but stare at them, but Ren and Miyamoto didn't care. They were too busy enjoying each other's company.

As the day drew to a close, Ren and Miyamoto walked out of the school gates, still holding hands. They decided to take a walk around the neighbourhood, enjoying the warm sunshine and the gentle breeze.

As they walked, they talked about their dreams and aspirations. Ren wanted to become a model, while Miyamoto wanted to become a manga artist. They both encouraged and supported each other, happy to have found someone who understood them.

As the sun began to set, Ren and Miyamoto reluctantly parted ways. They exchanged sweet goodbyes and promises to meet up the next day.

Miyamoto walked back home, feeling like he was on cloud nine. He couldn't believe that he had finally confessed to Ren and that she had feelings for him too. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

As he walked into his house, he was greeted by his parents, who were beaming with pride. "How was your day, son?" his mother asked, eyeing the silver necklace and rings on his fingers.

Miyamoto grinned from ear to ear. "It was amazing, Mom. I finally confessed to Ren, and she said yes!"

His parents cheered and hugged him, congratulating him on his new relationship. Miyamoto felt happy and content, knowing that he had finally found someone who loved him for who he was.

As he went to bed that night, Miyamoto couldn't help but smile. He knew that he had found his soulmate in Ren, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

The next morning, Miyamoto woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. He put on his uniform and grabbed his backpack, eager to see Ren again.

As he walked to school, he noticed that the sky was a beautiful shade of blue, and the birds were singing their sweet melodies. He felt like everything was going right in his world.

When he arrived at school, he saw Ren waiting for him by the gates. She was wearing a bright yellow dress, and her hair was tied up in a ponytail. Miyamoto's heart skipped a beat as he saw her.

"Good morning, Ren," he said, trying to sound casual.

Ren smiled and leaned in close. "Good morning, Miyamoto. I had a great time yesterday. I'm so glad we're together now."

Miyamoto's heart swelled with happiness as he took Ren's hand. "Me too, Ren. Me too."

And with that, the two of them walked into school, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, as long as they were together.

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