Chapter 1

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I don't feel anything, Henry thought. Why don't I feel anything?


Henry's POV:

Me and Victor sat in detention together with some other students when I first spoke.

"There was a weird noise. . .almost like it was inside my head," I said, my voice low and quiet. "What?" Victor asked. "It was like a voice, but it didn't say anything. It was almost as if there was a chain between my brain and my mouth, like there was something saying the words but my mouth didn't move or do anything."

"Hank, what? What do you mean?"

"Boys, that's enough talking," Mr. Green said. "Our apologies, sir," said Victor. "Goody two shoes," I mumbled, leaning back in my chair with my arms crossed. "I heard that, Hank," Victor said with a smirk.

Victor's POV:

Henry's been acting off lately and now he's hearing things? I've known Henry for a while now, and yeah, he's odd sometimes, but never like this. I think it started yesterday, after school ended. Him and I, along with Belch and Patrick, were headed to the quarry to smoke and fool around when during the ride Henry yelled, "Stop the car!" Belch, being the one driving, slowed down immediately and was about to ask what was wrong before Henry vomited, nearly inside of the car. Belch, sitting next to Henry in the driver's seat, reached over to try and comfort Henry but wasn't able to. 

"You ok, big man?" Patrick asked. To me, Patrick almost sounded worried but then I quickly dismissed the thought. "I'm fine." Henry said. "What's going on, Henry?" Belch asked. Henry closed his eyes and leaned back. "It's nothing. I'll be fine. I just need to go home," he said. "I can give you a ride," Belch said, clearly worried. "I said I'll be fine," Henry spat. He then started to slowly open the door and get out.

Patrick's POV:

Henry's never like this, so why is it acting off now? Did something happen at home? I tap Victor on the shoulder and whisper, "Distract Belch, I'm following Henry home." Victor nodded then told Belch to let him be. As Victor was convincing Belch to let Henry have his time, I snuck out of the car and silently started to walk after Henry. Henry said a quick, slurred goodbye before walking towards the way home. I followed Henry silently into the town where he went to the Derry Pharmacy. As he entered the store, I stood back and waited for him to come out. When he did, he looked around, as if he were doing something illegal, then headed straight to the alleyway next to the store.

Henry's POV:

After I got some smokes and a bottle of Aspirin from the town pharmacy, I decided to head to the alleyway next to it. I have no particular reason why, seeing how my house isn't down that way. Before I entered the ally, I decided to make sure no one was watching me. As I looked around, I thought I had seen something out of the corner of my eye but noting was there. I started walking down the alley, with the bag in my hand when all of a sudden I heard someone or something step on a twig. I turned around expecting to see a rat or some other animal, but was pleasantly surprised to see Patrick. "Hockstetter?! What the fuck are you doing, dude?"

Patrick's POV:

Shit. He saw me. Fuck. Fuck! "Hey man, are you ok?" I asked. I knew he was gonna say he's fine, but I wasn't planning on believing that. "If I tell you what's really wrong with me, will you leave me alone?!" He asked. No, I thought. "Fine. Just sum it up for me." He looked offended, as if no one cared about him. I mean, it's true but no one ever said it. "Sum it up? Sum it up?! Pat- Hockstetter, you want me to sum up my entire fucking life or something?!" After he stopped throwing a hissy fit, he looked as if he just took the Lord's name in vain. "Henry, calm down. Take a breath real quick." I stepped closer to him, expecting a reaction, but he just stood there. "I'm so-rry." Henry said. I didn't realize he was crying until I saw a tear fall down his cheek. "Hey, woah, none of that shit. No crying, got it?"

You Good? | (trans) Henry Bowers X Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now