Sweet Revenge (Modern AU)

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"are you sure she won't find out?"

"Yes im sure love, she's a dumb b*tch anyway"

"Wonderful! But Dear I'm getting tired of this, when are you going to break up with her? I'm tired of pretending"

A loud clap interrupted the couple. Turning their head to face the noise, the guy's face turned pale when he saw who it was.

"Wow...Just wow..." a h/c female clapped as a sour smile was plastered on her face and tears streaming down her face.

"D-dear I can explain" Exclaimed the guy as he pushed the girl he was holding to the ground making her land in a thud.

"No need" You laughed bitterly "My boyfriend is cheating on me, with my best friend of all people"

"Bestie wait! It's not what it looks like" the female jumped off the ground and tried to grab your hand.

"Save it!" you yanked your hand back so hard that it made her stumble back. You didn't care since you felt very hurt, betrayed....

Your own best friend who defended you against your bullies in high school, who was there for you since childhood, who was there for you in your darkest times.

And worse your very own boyfriend. The man who you truly loved and cared for. The man who you thought could never hurt you but here he was not only calling you a dumb b*tch but betraying you with your best friend.

"congrats you two" you clapped sarcastically while they just stared at the floor in guilt. "you two are a match made in hell so go back their and live a horrible life" you spat and the sadness slowly consumed you so you ran away from their in both angry and sad tears.

You ran as fast as light and bumped into so many people on the way. You didn't bother to apologized since you've already embarrassed yourself by running through the pavement in tears.

You turned a corner and a Familiar neighborhood came into view. You barged into your house earning a yell from your mother but you just ignored her and ran upto your room.

You slammed the door and leaned against it. Your knees gave out under you and you fell to the floor while crying your heart out.

You heard a knock on the door but ignored it.

Yet another knock was heard as well as your mother's voice, "Dear? Are you okay?"

You didn't reply. You didn't have the energy nor did you want to talk to anyone right now.

After a few minutes of you crying uncontrollably, the knocking stopped which meant your mom probably left.

You got up and wiped your tears. You locked the door and laid on your bed and hugged a pillow before you broke down again into tears.

Just like that you cried yourself to sleep. You felt sad, angry, betrayed and miserable and to make things worse you were starving! You hadn't eaten anything since lunch.

You had multiple reasons to not get up. One you were too tired to get up and you didn't want anyone to see you in such a state.

And two, although you were starving you didn't really have an appetite to eat so you might just drink some water and go to sleep and hopefully in the morning when you wake up all this will just feel like a bad nightmare.

But that was not the case...

You woke up with a pounding headache and your entire body was tired since you practically cried all night. You glanced at yourself from the mirror and as expected you were a total disaster.

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