One mistake, tragic ending (angst)

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Here you were again, pacing back and forth in your shared room with your adeptus husband. Who you rarely ever see. He leaves way before you wake up and come back at dawn before leaving again. Heck, you didn't even know whether he was coming back.

You were frustrated that you couldn't see or visit him and whenever you walked to the balcony of the inn you were staying at, You would find him talking to the Traveller.

Don't get confused, you absolutely adored Lumine, she was the person that set you up with Xiao years ago and now you two are married. But sometimes you couldn't help but feel left out whenever Xiao or Lumine forced you to stay and talk with them.

But I suppose you are particially to blame. Since a young age you were very shy and had stuttering issues. Due to that reason, you become insecure about talking so you stayed quiet.

It seems, that since you hardly ever spoke since childhood it has beome very hard to overcome that habit even as an adult.

You sat down on the bed with your face buried in your hands. You felt tears of worry fill your eyes. You sat up and quickly wiped them away.
You took a deep breath to surpress the sob that was building up in your throat.

You got up and walked towards the door. Pulling it and stepping out into the dimly lit hallway. You walked past Verr godlet and headed up the stairs to the balcony.

Very few people were there which was understandable since it was almost midnight. You walked through the balcony to find familiar teal hair but stopped in your tracks.

You gulped as you refused to believe what you were seeing. You bit your lip so hard to not let the tears fall down, Xiao was kissing Lumine...

You stood there frozen as your vision became a blur and your mind became hazy. You stumbled back, your back caressing the wodden railing.

Xiao immediately glanced at you and pushed Lumine away harshly making her stumble back. You burst out crying as Xiao tried to walk closer but you yelled.

"DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!!" you yelled which made both Xiao and Lumine flinch.

"Y/n... I swear it's not what it looks like" he grabbed your wrist but you grabbed it back.

"Stop it... Why did you do this...?"

"it's all a misunderstanding" he reasoned back which made you rethink your decision but your anger and sadness consumed you.

"Please listen to me y/n" he pulled you close but you squirmed to get out of his grasp. You hated the fact that you believed and wanted to forgive him.

"Oh really? Cause you seemed to enjoy that kiss" Lumine stated behind Xiao smugly. He turned his head and glared at her. This gave you enough time to push him away harshly.

Your vision was a blur and your breathing became heavy. You placed a hand on your chest trying to stabalize your breathing. Great now you were having a panic attack.

Your eyes became heavy and the next thing you knew you were falling with Xiao yelling faintly in the background. You landed and your body became numb before erupting in immense pain all around.

The door crecked open and a doctor walked out. Xiao jumped off the hospital chair, "Is she okay? Can I see her?" he asked almost instantly.He had a hopeful smile, but it slowly fell when the doctor didn't say anything and sadly shook her head.

"We lost her..."

A shadow cast over his face as his mouth fell agape. He fell to his knees and burst out crying until he was eventually taken away to wangshu inn by Zhongli.

It's now been many centuries since that day but Xiao continues to blame himself. And each day he visits your grave and places a qingxin. He hates the fact you had to die without knowing the truth. But don't worry he managed to get revenged on Lumine for all the trouble she caused.

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