May 30th

15 0 0

Its been four days since I last wrote here and I still dont know what im doing. I feel like Chris Kendall. (jk I love him alot oki?)

It is currently 2: 40 pm in Sweden when Im typing this and in an hour I am heading off to church for two hours.. Which I really dont want to go to today..

Oh well. I feel like I spent too much time on tumblr today, I changed my url to thranduiltrash bc thats basically what I am.

This isnt gonna be a long post bc I have to shower before going to church and I feel like vomiting. Must be my period.

I hate being a girl. Everything from boobs to periods to being called a girl, I hate it all. I wish that I could just be called a person, I just dont feel like fitting into the role of a specific gender.

I have no idea what Im doing. Bleh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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