How do I do this?

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Niall and I eventually arrived at my house

"Mom! I'm here!"

Then my mom came running down the stairs and gave me and Niall a hug

"So,what happend?"

I explained everything but I didn't include the part where Niall broke my heart because if ever the time comes and i'm ready to tell him i love him...she might not let me be with him...

I got to Zayn's part and started crying...Niall held my hand and his other hand was rubbing circles on my back

"I'm sorry for that honey!" Mom said as she hugged me

"It's fine mom, as long as I don't go back there anymore"

"What about you Niall?" Mom asked him

"Well,i was thinking of...staying with Stephanie wherever she goes..."

"That's so sweet of you...but you should follow what your heart're gonna have to leave a bunch of friends for stephanie"

"Stephanie has my heart" he said to me and stared into my eyes

"What does this mean?" Mom asked

"I'm in love with your daughter ma'am" niall said casually

"You can call me mom!" Mom said smiling

"Mom!" I shouted

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you don't like him! He's perfect!"

"'s just not ready to love again...yet!...but i'm willing to wait...even if i have to wait forever"

That is so sweet!

"Stephanie honey! You're blushing" mom said

"What? No!" I said as i tried to hide my red cheeks..niall just grinned at me

"So,where do you plan to study now?"

"We don't know yet" i said

"Ok...i'll just leave you two for a minute...i'm gonna prepare some food" mom said and disappeared into the kitchen

"You know i was telling the truth right?" Niall said to me

I nodded

"You don't have to do this for me,niall"

"But I want to,and you can't stop me"

I just sighed...

He's always there for me while I don't do anything for him...then i'm gonna be the reason that he's gonna be far away from his friends.

Maybe we should just go back to Brirewood?

"Niall maybe after a week we could just go back to brirewood..."

"What? No!"


"You just said so yourself that you're gonna be okay as long as we don't go back"

"But i wanna see the others again... And i want you to be happy"

He smiled. "Why do you want that for me?"

"Because you've always been there for me and you don't benefit from our friendship" i said truthfully

"Seeing you smile and laugh....and know that i'm the reason behind it is already a benefit..."

I smiled at him

"Just like that." He said pointing to my lips...then he touches it gently ...but he pulls away quickly...

I love him


How do i say it?

How should i make him feel it?

Ughhh... How do I do this?

"So,are we really going back?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts


"You sure?"


Then i went up to my room...i hear his footsteps following me

"You okay?"

" head just aches a little" i lie

"Oh really?" Gosh! He knows me too well!

"Yup." I said popping the p.

Then he hugs me and says

"Just remember that i'll always be here for you..." He knows something's wrong...

Niall's POV

Something's wrong... Stephanie's hiding something from me... I have to find out what it is...but in the mean time I need to think of a plan... Maybe the other boys can help

Me: hello,harry!

H: Hey Niall! Where'd you go? And do you know where Steph is?

Me: uhmmm...she's with me at home....she was thinking of leaving...sorry for not telling you where we've gone

H: it's okay..but is she really leaving?

Me: nope...but uhhh I need your help with something

H:with what exactly?

Me: Love

H: and by love you mean Stephanie?

Me: how'd you know?

H: it's too obvious niall!

Me: really?

H: very

Me: are you gonna help me or not?

H:yeah...of course mate!...but we'll need help from the others too

Me: sure...i'll call them up

Steph's POV

I Love Niall James Horan!

I wanna scream it to the world

I wish it was that easy...

Because of what happend to me I'm afraid to love again

But I already am in love

I'm just too scared to tell him... And someone as perfect as him deserves someone better than me...

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