iv. "breakfast 2.0"

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Scarlett's P.O.V.:

Along with the rest of the Marvel cast, Colin, Rose and I would be attending the Comic Con in London today. For Rose, it was a great opportunity to pick up some fan merchandise that Colin and I wouldn't normally buy her, because there were some of ourselves and it's weird to have a figure with a shaking head of yourself in the house. But since we wanted to spend a few more days in London and its places, we couldn't have left Rose with her grandmother. She would resent that quite a bit. Colin also didn't want to let me fly to Comic Con alone, pregnant under any circumstances, so we would make a family trip out of it.

Actually, we weren't planning on going to Comic Con this year, but Robert really wanted to show us the most beautiful places England had to offer after this event, and we couldn't turn that down in combination with Rose.
Nevertheless, I had been plagued for weeks by the feeling that soon our whole life would change mightily and that regardless of the birth of our son.
I dreamily stroked my belly. Three and a half more months and our little angel would be here and with him sleepless nights would follow.

"Do you have everything honey?", Colin's voice sounded from the hallway of our hotel room and I was startled out of my thoughts.
I grabbed my toiletry bag and then briskly left the bathroom after one last look in the mirror. In the hallway I found my husband holding my daughter's hand, who was bobbing back and forth excitedly with a big grin across both cheeks.

"We're good to go", I exclaimed, setting the toiletry bag down on the small side table before walking past Colin and grabbing Rose's left hand. Colin followed us and quickly locked the room with his room card before we headed to the elevator together. As we walked, Colin threw me a reassuring smile and took my right hand in his. He blew a gentle kiss on my cheek as the elevator doors opened and Lizzie and Robbie appeared inside. They quickly made a little room and we climbed in with them.
Rose let go of my hand and hugged Lizzie and then Robbie. "Lizzie, this is so great that I can go! Mummy didn't want me to at first, but now I can!" she exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down with anticipation.

"We're all really looking forward to seeing you too, sweetie. Colin and Robbie will go over all with you too, if your mom and I are a little busy right now. Isn't that right?" checking, she looked to the two men and Rose her gaze followed Lizzie's as well.
Robbie raised his arm and scratched his head lightly. "Well, sure. But that you don't run away from us, there are a lot of people and we don't want to lose you"

Rose grinned wryly and Colin looked at me frowning. "Of course I'll go along too, but we'll have to drop in on your mother often too. I don't want to leave her alone in her condition after all"

Playfully indignant, I slapped him on the shoulder. "Well listen, I'm a strong independent woman and I've survived more births than you'll ever be able to!", I defended myself. Rose giggled softly and then looked at me with wide eyes. "But Mummy, you only have me so far. And soon he'll be here", she pointed to my belly and for just a second I felt Colin's hand wrap around mine a little stronger without hurting me. Gratefully, I nodded slightly to him.

But there was no time for big explanations, because the elevator door opened again and we arrived downstairs in the lobby. "I'm so hungry!" exclaimed Rose and started to walk towards the restaurant. Briskly, Robbie followed her so we wouldn't lose sight of her.

"Scar, Rose didn't know what she was saying, you know that, right?" began Lizzie, stopping in front of Colin and me so that we too came to a stop. Sadly, I nodded. We all knew Rose's statement wasn't entirely true, but still, she was all we had so far.

"I miss them both so much...", I whispered barely audible and exhaled softly.

"Honey, I promise you we'll find them eventually. You've been trying for almost three years and that's exactly why it will succeed. Maybe it hasn't worked so far, but we can't lose hope, because it does give us comfort," Colin spoke, untying our hands to wrap an arm around my body. Sighing, I put my head down to his shoulder for a second.

"Colin is right, we just have to keep believing that eventually we will succeed. And now, now let's go eat before Rose and Robbie clear the buffet and we have to settle for crumbs," Lizzie explained and I had to grin. I could actually see the two of them in my mind's eye clearing out the entire hall. Where they ate it, however, was also a mystery to me.

We continued our way to the restaurant of the hotel, where the rest of the Marvel cast was already waiting for us at a table and greeted us friendly when they saw us. Rose was also hungrily nibbling on a waffle while Robbie drank his coffee. After grabbing some food, we joined them and the conversation took its course. Every now and then Robert took a few pictures of all of us and our buffet. On some we looked more beautiful than on others. These also landed immediately in his Instagramstory, which I noted by a joking shake of the head of his wife Susan.

Every now and then my thoughts wandered into other worlds and I just couldn't stop wondering how the twins were doing.

Another chapters is done!

Thanks to the people who are reading this so far!

Stay safe!

~ Aurela

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